Ко входуЯков Кротов. Богочеловвеческая историяПомощь

Яков Кротов. Путешественник по времени. Вспомогательные материалы.

The New Testament and rabbinic literature. Edited by Reimund Bieringer...[et al.]. Leiden: Brill, 2010. 568 pp.

(Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism,

Опись А, №40845.

См. Иудаизм. Иисус как еврей.

"It contains the proceedings of a Symposium held at the K.U. Leuven on January 2006. The contributors, from different European countries as well as from Israel, present in detail the history of rabbinical scholarship by Christian scholars and deal with the main issues in the study of rabbinic materials"—ECIP data view.

Introduction .... vii

The New Testament and Rabbinic Study—An Historical Sketch .......... 1 William Horbury


The Modern Study of Rabbinics and Historical Questions: The Tale of the Text ............................ 43 Isaiah Gafni

From the Best Text to the Pragmatic Edition: On Editing Rabbinic Texts ..................................... 63 Giuseppe Veltri

Dating Rabbinic Traditions ................... 79 Gu?nter Stemberger

Form-Criticism of Rabbinic Literature 97 Catherine Hezser

The Social Profile of the Pharisees ........ 111 Roland Deines



Halakhah in the New Testament: A Research Overview ............ 135 Peter J. Tomson


Sabbath Laws in the New Testament Gospels .............................. 207 Lutz Doering


Jesus and Purity ....................................... 255 Friedrich Avemarie

Jesus, Scripture and Paradosis: Response to Friedrich Avemarie ..... 281 Thomas Kazen


Divorce Halakhah in Paul and the Jesus Tradition ..................... 289 Peter J. Tomson



The New Testament and Rabbinic Hebrew .................................. 335 Jan Joosten and Menahem Kister


"First Adam" and "Second Adam" in 1 Cor 15:45–49 in the Light of Midrashic Exegesis and Hebrew Usage ..................... 351 Menahem Kister


Midrash and the New Testament: A Methodology for the Study of Gospel Midrash ................... 367


Miguel Pe?rez Ferna?ndez




Targum and the New Testament: A Revisit ................................. 387 Martin McNamara


Jewish Mysticism, the New Testament and Rabbinic-Period Mysticism .... 429 Crispin Fletcher-Louis

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