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Яков Кротов. Путешественник по времени. Вспомогательные материалы: Библия.

A companion to biblical interpretation in early Judaism. Edited by Matthias Henze. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012. 585 pp.

Опись А, №40895.


Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch: reconstruction after the fall. Eds. Henze, Mathias et al. Brill, 2013. 473 pp.

PART ι. Introduction The Beginnings of Biblical Interpretation 3 James L. Kugel PART 2. The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Inner-biblical Interpretation 27 Yair Zakovitch Translators as Interpreters: Scriptural Interpretation in the Septuagint 64 Martin Ro?sel The Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in the Targums 92 Edward M. Cook PART 3. Rewritten Bible Biblical Interpretation in the Book of Jubilees: The Case of the Early Abram (Jub. 11:14-12:15) 121 Jacques van Ruiten

The Genesis Apocryphon: Compositional and Interpretive Perspectives 157 Moshe J. Bernstein Biblical Interpretation in Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum 180 Howard Jacobson PART 4. The Qumran Literature The Use of Scripture in the Community Rule 203 Shani Tzoref Prophetic Interpretation in the Pesharim George /. Brooke Biblical Interpretation in the Hodayot Sarah J. Tanzer 235 255 PART 5. Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments The Use of Scripture in the Book of Daniel 279 Matthias Henze How to Make Sense of Pseudonymous Attribution: The Cases of 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch 308 Hindy Najman (with Itamar Manoff and Eva Mroczek) The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Not-So-Ambiguous Witness to Early Jewish Interpretive Practices 337 Robert Kugler PART 6. Wisdom Literature Biblical Interpretation in the Book of Ben Sira 363 Benjamin G. Wright III Pseudo-Solomon and His Scripture: Biblical Interpretation in the Wisdom of Solomon 389 Peter Enns

P ART 7 . Hellenistic Judaism The Interpreter of Moses: Philo of Alexandria and the Biblical Text 415 Gregory E. Sterling Josephus's Biblical Interpretation 436 Zuleika Rodgers PART 8. Biblical Interpretation in Antiquity Biblical Exegesis and Interpretations from Qumran to the Rabbis 467 Aharon Shemesh


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