Из "Библиологического словаря"
священника Александра Меня
(Мень закончил работу над текстом к 1985 г.; словарь оп. в трех томах фондом Меня (СПб., 2002))
К досье Меня
МАКАРИЗМЫ (от греч. makЈrioj, блаженный, счастливый) БИБЛЕЙСКИЕ, *жанр литературныйсвящ.
новозав. письменности. Представляет собой перечень тех, на ком почиет Божье благословение
и кому даровано блаженство. Важнейшие примеры: девять М. в *Нагорной
проповеди (Мф 5:3-11)
и 7 М. в Откр (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7,14), ср. также Рим 4:6,9; Гал
Исповедь по заповедям блаженства: Крестьянкин,
Впервые роль чести (и стыда) в Израиле исследовал Йоханнес Педерсен, затем Bruce J. Malina, 1993.
О заповедях блаженства как проявлении системы честь-позор: K. C. HANSON. How Honorable! How Shameful! A Cultural
Analysis of Matthew's Makarisms and Reproaches. Fortress Press, P.O. Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN, 55440-1209.
dkchanson@uswest.net. http://www.stolaf.edu/people/kchanson/mak.html, 12.2000. First delivered in Portland,
Oregon, on March 25, 1990.
Betz, Hans Dieter 1985 "The Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:3-12): Observations on Their
Literary Form and Theological Significance." Pp. 17-36 in Essays on the Sermon on the Mount. Trans. L. L.
Welborn. Philadelphia: Fortress.
Boring, M. Eugene 1985 "Criteria of Authenticity: The Lucan Beatitudes as a Test Case." Forum 1,4:3-38.
Corrigan, Gregory M. 1986 "Paul's Shame for the Gospel." BTB 16:23-27
Crosby, Michael H.1981 Spirituality of the Beatitudes. Matthew's Challenge for First World Christians. Maryknoll:
Dodd, C. H. 1968 "The Beatitudes: a form-critical study." Pp. 1-10 in More New Testament Studies. Grand Rapids:
Gilmore, David D. 1987 Ed. Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean. Special Publication of the
American Anthropological Association 22. Washington, D. C.: American Anthropological Association.
Hamm, Dennis 1990 The Beatitudes in Context: What Luke and Matthew Meant. Zacchaeus Studies. Wilmington,
DE: Michael Glazier.
Janzen, Waldemar. 1972 Mourning Cry and Woe Oracle. BZAW 125. Berlin: Topelmann.
Kodjak, Andrej. 1986 A Structural Analysis of the Sermon on the Mount. Religion and Reason, 34. New York:
de Gruyter.
Lambrecht, Jan. 1985 The Sermon on the Mount. Proclamation and Exhortation. Good News Studies, 14. Wilmington:
Malina, Bruce J. and Jerome H. Neyrey. 1991 "Honor and Shame in Luke-Acts: Pivotal Values of the Mediterranean
World." Pp. 25-65 in The Social World of Luke-Acts: Models for Interpretation. Ed. J. H. Neyrey. Peabody:
Peristiany, J. G., editor. 1966 Honour and Shame. The Values of Mediterranean Society. The Nature of Human
Society Series. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The Fate of Shechem or the Politics of Sex. Essays in the Anthropology of the Mediterranean. Cambridge Studies
and Papers in Social Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Schneider, C. 1977 Shame, Exposure, and Privacy. Boston: Beacon.
Strecker, Georg. 1988 The Sermon on the Mount. An Exegetical Commentary. Trans. O. C. Dean, Jr. Nashville:
Tilborg, Sjef van. 1986 The Sermon on the Mount as an Ideological Intervention. A Reconstruction of Meaning.
Assen: Van Gorcum.
Vaught, Carl G. 1986 The Sermon on the Mount. A Theological Interpretation. SUNY Series in Religious Studies.
Albany: State University of New York. |