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Роберт Тафт

Taft R. Liturgy in Byzantium and Beyond. Variorum, 1995. 360 p.

Тафт Р. Византийский церковный обряд. Краткий очерк. Пер. с англ. А.Чекаловой. СПб.: Алетейя, 2000. 113 с.

О католичестве восточного обряда; о тайных молитвах Евхаристии; о византийском почитании Марии, 2005. о почитании Евхаристии, 2005;

Когда следует становиться на колени во время Литургии. 2003.

Существует ли почитание Святой Евхаристии на христианском Востоке? 2005.

Византийская причастная лжица. 1996.

Кафедральное и монашеское богослужение на христианском Востоке: доказательство различия. 2006.

О частном причащении на Востоке в позднюю античность.

О женщине в храме в византийском православии.

Некролог литургисту Альваресу, 2003.

Тафт Р.Ф. Византийский церковный обряд / Пер. с англ. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2005, 160 с.

См. историография истории Церкви; богослужение. Православно-католическое единство.

Отец Роберт Ф. Тафт родился 9 января 1932 г. в Провиденсе (США). В возрасте 17 лет вступил в Общество Иисусово (Орден иезуитов). За этим последовало более 20 лет учебы и исполнения различных послушаний, прежде всего, преподавательских. Преподавать приходилось в разных странах — начиная с Ирака в 1950-е гг. и кончая, уже в после-коммунистические времена, Болгарией. Часть времени о. Роберт ежегодно проводит в Америке, где также не оставляет преподавания. Однако, с 1970 г. по настоящее время его главное место работы — Папский Восточный институт в Риме. Сейчас о. Роберт занимает там должность проректора (Vice Rector) и профессора восточной литургики, а также является главным редактором издаваемой Институтом серии монографий и сборников статей Orientalia Christiana Analecta. Его первой специальностью был русский язык и славянский богослужебный обряд. В 1960-е гг., под влиянием о. Хуана Матеоса, он обратился к изучению языков и богослужения других христианских традиций.

Библиография трудов архимандрита Роберта Тафта SJ, 2006 г.

C cайта о. С.Голованова: http://vselenstvo.narod.ru/library/taftbibl06.htm

1957 г.

1. “From Detroit to Zakho,” Jesuit Missions 31/10 (December 1957) 8-10.

1961 г.

2. “The Neo-Orthodox View on Ecumenical Councils,” Sciences ecclésiastiques 13 (1961) 437-444.

1963 г.

3. “The Nature of the Church. An Eastern Orthodox View,” Irish Ecclesiastical Record 100 (1963) 150-164.
4. Eastern-Rite Catholicism. Its Heritage and Vocation (Glen Rock, NJ: Paulist Press, 1963) 38 pp.
5. “Hieromonk Potapij Emel’janov and the Reunion of Nizhnjaja Bogdanovka, 1918,” OKS 12 (1963) 157-175.

1964 г.

6. Review of Nicholas Zernov, The Russian Religious Renaissance of the Twentieth Century (New York 1963), TS 25 (1964) 700.

1967 г.

7. “The Neo-Orthodox View on Ecumenical Councils,” Diakonia 2 (1967) 266-277 (reprint of no. 2).
8. Review of John Meyendorff, Orthodoxy and Catholicity (New York 1966), TS 28 (1967) 629-630.

1968 г.

9. “Some Notes on the Bema in the East and West Syrian Traditions,” OCP 34 (1968) 326-359.
10. “Il concilio ecumenico secondo i neo-ortodossi,” Russia cristiana 9/96 (1968) 7-13 (Italian version of no. 2).
11. “A Meditation on the Our Father,” Diakonia 3 (1968) 421-427.

1969 г.

12. “A Note on Some Manuscripts of the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom,” OCP 35 (1969) 257-260.

1970 г.

13. “Toward the Origins of the Offertory Procession in the Syro-Byzantine East,” OCP 36 (1970) 73-107.
14. “A Proper Offertory Chant for Easter in some Slavonic Manuscripts,” OCP 36 (1970) 437-448.
15. “On the Use of the Bema in the East-Syrian Liturgy,” Eastern Churches Review 3 (1970) 30-39.

1971 г.

16. Review of Athanase Renoux, Le codex arménien Jérusalem 121. I. Introduction: Aux origines de la liturgie hiérosolymitaine. Lumières nouvelles (Patrologia orientalis 35.1 - no. 1634, Turnhout 1969), OCP 37 (1971) 511-512.

1972 г.

17. “Évolution historique de la Liturgie de Saint Jean Chrysostome,” ch. 1: “Le rite actuel et ses antecedents historiques,” POC 22 (1972) 241-287.

1973 г.

18. “Psalm 24 at the Transfer of Gifts in the Byzantine Liturgy: A Study in the Origins of a Liturgical Practice,” in R.J. Clifford and G.W. MacRae (eds.), The Word in the World. Essays in Honor of Frederick L. Moriarty, S.J., (Cambridge, MA 1973) 159-177.
19. “The Byzantine Divine Liturgy. History and Commentary,” Diakonia 8 (1973) 164-178.
20. Review of Meletius M. Solovey, The Byzantine Divine Liturgy. History and Commentary (Washington, DC 1970), OCP 39 (1973) 255.

1974 г.

21. “Évolution historique de la Liturgie de Saint Jean Chrysostome,” ch. 2: “Le Chéroubicon,” POC 24 (1974) 3-33, 105-138.
22. Review of Thomas F. Mathews, The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy (University Park/London 1971), OCP 40 (1974) 199-203.
23. Review of George Galavaris, Bread and Liturgy. The Symbolism of Early Christian and Byzantine Bread Stamps (Madison/Milwaukee/London 1970), OCP 40 (1974) 209-210.

1975 г.

24. “The Continuity of Tradition in a World of Liturgical Change: The Eastern Liturgical Experience,” Seminarium 27 = n.s. 15, no. 2 (1975) 445-459.
25. “Évolution historique de la Liturgie de Saint Jean Chrysostome,” ch. 3: “La prière du chéroubicon,” POC 25 (1975) 16-45.
26. The Historical Evolution of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: The Preanaphoral Rites (doctoral dissertation abstract, Rome: PIO 1975) 75 pp.
27. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (OCA 200, Rome: PIO 1975) xl + 485 pp.
28. “Évolution historique de la Liturgie de Saint Jean Chrysostome,” ch. 4: “L’encensement et le lavabo,” POC 25 (1975) 274-299.

1976 г.

29. “Bibliographie J.-M. Hanssens S.J.,” OCP 42 (1976) 234-240.
30. Eastern-Rite Catholicism. Its Heritage and Vocation (New York: John XXIII Ecumenical Center, Fordham University 1976) (2nd edition of no. 4).
31. “De Geest van de Oosterse Liturgie,” Het Christelijk Oosten (Nijmegen, Holland) 28 (1976) 229-245 (Dutch version of no. 33).
32. Review of Christine Strube, Die westliche Eingangsseite der Kirchen von Konstantinopel in justinianischer Zeit. Architektonische und quellenkritische Untersuchungen (Schriften zur Geistesgeschichte des östlichen Europa, Bd. 6. Wiesbaden 1973), OCP 42 (1976) 296-303.

1977 г.

33. “The Spirit of Eastern Christian Worship,” Diakonia 12 (1977) 103-120.
34. “How Liturgies Grow: The Evolution of the Byzantine ‘Divine liturgy’,” OCP 43 (1977) 355-377.

1978 г.

35. “‘Thanksgiving for the Light.’ Toward a Theology of Vespers,” Diakonia 13 (1978) 27-50.
36. Eastern-Rite Catholicism. Its Heritage and Vocation (New York: John XXIII Ecumenical Center, Fordham University 1978) (reprint of no. 30).
37. “The Structural Analysis of Liturgical Units: An Essay in Methodology,” Worship 52 (1978) 314-329.
38. “A Short Course in Culture: The Carpatho-Ruthenian Cultural Seminar on Cassettes,” Diakonia 13 (1978) 168-175.
39. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (2nd, revised edition, OCA 200, Rome: PIO 1978) xlii + 490 pp (revised ed. of no. 27).

1979 г.

40. “Antiphonal Singing,” in P.K. Meagher, T.C. O’Brien, C.M. Ahearne (eds.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion (Washington, DC: Corpus Publications 1979) 1:203.
41. “Calendar, Chaldean,” ibid. 1:585-586.
42. “Concelebration,” ibid. 1:858-859.
43. “La Chiesa di Costantinopoli e la sua liturgia,” L’Osservatore romano 119 n. 273 (mercoledì 28 novembre 1979) 3.
44. “Der Geist des christlichen Gottesdienstes im Osten,” Der christliche Osten 34 (1979) 147-156 (German version of no. 33).
45. “The Pontifical Liturgy of the Great Church according to a Twelfth-Century Diataxis in Codex British Museum Add. 34060,” I: OCP 45 (1979) 279-307.

1980 г.

46. “The Pontifical Liturgy of the Great Church according to a Twelfth-Century Diataxis in Codex British Museum Add. 34060,” II: OCP 46 (1980) 89-124.
47. “Ex Oriente lux? Some Reflections on Eucharistic Concelebration,” Worship 54 (1980) 308-325.
48. “Chronicle: Celebration of the Paschal Triduum,” Worship 54 (1980) 259-260.
49. Review of G. Barrois, Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship (Crestwood, NY 1977), OCP 46 (1980) 239-240.
50. Review of D.J. Chitty, The Desert a City (Crestwood, NY, n.d.), OCP 46 (1980) 220-221.
51. Review of D. Dudko, Our Hope (Crestwood, NY 1977), OCP 46 (1980) 255-256.
52. Review of The Lenten Triodion, trans. Mother Mary and K. Ware (London/Boston 1978), OCP 46 (1980) 242-245.

1981 г.

53. “The Liturgy of the Great Church. An Initial Synthesis of Structure and Interpretation on the Eve of Iconoclasm,” DOP 34-35 (1980-1981) 45-75.
54. “The Liturgical Year: Studies, Prospects, Reflections,” Worship 55 (1981) 2-23.
55. “Chronicle: Interritual Concelebration,” Worship 55 (1981) 441-444.
56. “Historicisme: une conception à revoir,” LMD 147 (1981) 61-83 (French version of no. 73).
57. Review of Athenagoras Kokkinakis, The Liturgy of the Orthodox Church (London/Oxford 1979), OCP 47 (1981) 250.
58. Review of A Monk of the Eastern Church, The Year of Grace of the Lord (Crestwood, NY 1980), OCP 47 (1981) 255-256.

1982 г.

59. “Al-tuqus al- arqiyyah, turat wa da’wah,” Al-Fikr al-Masihi (Mosul, Iraq) 17 no. 171 (Jan. 1982) 32-40 (Арабский перевод Louis Sako. 4 ).
60. “The Frequency of the Eucharist throughout History,” Concilium 152 (1982) 13-24 = “La fréquence de l’eucharistie à travers l’histoire,” Concilium 172 (1982) 27-44 = “La frequenza dell’eucaristia nella storia,” Concilium 18 (1982) 35/189]-53/209 = “Die Häufigkeit der Eucharistie im Lauf der Geschichte,” Concilium 18 (1982) 86-95 = “De frequentie van de eucharistie in de loop der geschiedenis,” Concilium 18 (1982/2) 19-31 = “La frecuencia de la eucaristía a través de la historia,” Concilium 172 (1982) 169-188 = “Frequencia da eucaristia ao longo da historia,” Concilium 172 (1982) 19-35.
61. “Liturgy as Theology,” Worship 56 (1982) 113-117.
62. “Sunday in the Eastern Tradition,” in M. Searle (ed.), Sunday Morning: A Time for Worship (Collegeville 1982) 49-74.
63. “Ex Oriente lux? Some Reflections on Eucharistic Concelebration,” in K. Seasoltz (ed.), Living Bread, Saving Cup. Readings on the Eucharist (Collegeville 1982) 242-259 (reprint of no. 47).
64. “Byzantine Liturgical Evidence in the Life of St. Marcian the Œconomos: Concelebration and the Preanaphoral Rites,” OCP 48 (1982) 159-170.
65. “Ex Oriente Lux? Zur eucharistischen Konzelebration,” Theologie der Gegenwart 25 (1982) 266-277 (German version of no. 47).
66. “The Byzantine Office in the Prayerbook of New Skete: Evaluation of a Proposed Reform,” OCP 48 (1982) 336-357.
67. “Select Bibliography on the Byzantine Liturgy of the Hours,” OCP 48 (1982) 358-370.
68. “Iqamat al-iwharistiyya ‘abr al-tarih,” Al-Fikr al-Masihi (Mosul, Iraq) 18 no. 177 (1982) 321-328 (Арабский перевод Yuhanan Gulag № 60).
69. “Aradhanakraman Daivasastrathinte Uravidom,” Dukrana (Kottayam, Kerala, India) 2 no. 10 (Oct. 1982) 5-9 (Малаямский перевод Alex Tharamangalam № 61 ).
70. “Das Dankgebet für das Licht. Zu einer Theologie der Vesper,” Der christliche Osten 37 (1982) 127-133, 151-160 (Немецкая версия № 35).
71. “Praise in the Desert: The Coptic Monastic Office Yesterday and Today,” Worship 56 (1982) 513-536.
72. “Preface” to G. Passarelli, L’eucologio cryptense G. b. VII (sec. X), (Analecta Vlatadon 36, Thessalonika 1982) 7-8.
73. “Historicism Revisited,” SL 14, nos. 2-3-4 (1982) 97-109.
74. “On the Question of Infant Communion in the Byzantine Catholic Churches of the U.S.A.,” Diakonia 17 (1982) 201-214.
75. Review of Mysterion. Nella celebrazione del Mistero di Cristo, la vita della Chiesa. Miscellanea liturgica in occasione dei 70 anni dell’Abate Salvatore Marsili (Quaderni di Rivista liturgica, n.s. no. 5, Leumann [Torino] 1981), OCP 48 (1982) 243-244.
76. Review of H.-J. Schultz, Die byzantinische Liturgie. Glaubenszeugnis und Symbolgestalt (Sophia 5, Trier 1980), OCP 48 (1982) 247-250.
77. Review of J. von Gardner, Russian Church Singing, vol. 1: Orthodox Worship and Hymnography (Crestwood, NY 1980), OCP 48 (1982) 241-242.
78. Review of B.D. Spinks (ed.), The Sacrifice of Praise: Studies on the Themes of Thanksgiving and Redemption in the Central Prayers of the Eucharistic and Baptismal Liturgies, in honor of Arthur Hubert Couratin (BELS 19, Rome 1981), Worship 56 (1982) 176-179.

1983 г.

79. “Lent: A Meditation,” Worship 57 (1983) 123-134.
80. “Receiving Communion—A Forgotten Symbol?” Worship 57 (1983) 412-418.
81. “Textual Problems in the Diaconal Admonition before the Anaphora in the Byzantine Tradition,” OCP 49 (1983) 340-365.
82. Review of A. Adam, The Liturgical Year (New York 1981), OCP 49 (1983) 221.
83. Review of A. Bouley, From Freedom to Formula. The Evolution of the Eucharistic Prayer from Oral Improvisation to Written Texts (The Catholic University of America Studies in Christian Antiquities 21, Washington, DC 1981), OCP 49 (1983) 221-224.
84. Review of St. Theodore the Studite, On the Holy Icons (Crestwood, NY 1981), OCP 49 (1983) 255-256.
85. Review of P.F. Bradshaw, Daily Prayer in the Early Church (Alcuin Club Collections No. 63, London 1981), OCP 49 (1983) 468-472.
86. Review of Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique, doctrine et histoire, tome 11, fasc. 74-75 (Ochino-Ozanam) (Paris 1982), OCP 49 (1983) 478-480.

1984 г.

87. The Liturgy of the Hours in the Christian East: Origins, Meaning, Place in the Life of the Church (Ernakulam, Cochin KCM Press 1984) xi + 303 pp.
88. Beyond East and West. Problems in Liturgical Understanding (NPM Studies in Church Music and Liturgy, Washington, DC: The Pastoral Press 1984) x + 203 pp.
89. “Quaestiones disputatae in the History of the Liturgy of the Hours: The Origins of Nocturns, Matins, Prime,” Worship 58 (1984) 130-158.
90. Review of Archimandrite Chrysostomos, Orthodox Liturgical Dress. An Historical Treatment (Brookline, MA 1981), OCP 50 (1984) 251.
91. Review of N.G. Garsoïan, T.F. Mathews, R.W. Thomson (eds.), East of Byzantium: Syria and Armenia in the Formative Period (Dumbarton Oaks Symposium 1980, Washington, DC 1982), OCP 50 (1984) 209-211.
92. Review of The Liturgical Portions of the Didaskalia, trans. and textual intro. by S. Brock, selection and general intro. by M. Vasey (Grove Liturgical Study No. 29, Bramcotte Notts. 1982), OCP 50 (1984) 252-253.
93. Review of O.F. Meinardus, Die Wüstenväter des 20. Jahrhunderts. Gespräche und Erlebnisse (Würzburg 1983), OCP 50 (1984) 230-231.
94. Review of L. Ouspensky and V. Lossky, The Meaning of Icons (Crestwood, NY 1982), OCP 50 (1980) 221-222.
95. Review of C. Walter, Art and Ritual of the Byzantine Church (Birmingham Byzantine Series 1, London 1982), OCP 50 (1984) 223-224.
96. Review of G. Winkler, Das armenische Initiationsrituale. Entwicklungsge-schichtliche und liturgievergleichende Untersuchung der Quellen des 3. bis 10. Jahrhunderts (OCA 217, Rome: PIO 1982), OCP 50 (1984) 225-227.
97. Review of N. Zernov, Sunset Years. A Russian Pilgrim in the West (London 1983), OCP 50 (1984) 256.
98. Review of G. Winkler, Das armenische Initiationstrituale. Entwicklungsge-schichtliche und liturgievergleichende Untersuchung der Quellen des 3. bis 10. Jahrhunderts (OCA 217, Rome: PIO 1982), Worship 58 (1984) 264-266.
99. Review of G. Descoeudres, Die Pastophorien im syro-byzantinischen Osten. Eine Untersuchung zu architektur- und liturgiegeschichtlichen Problemen (Schriften zur Geistesgeschichte des östlichen Europa, Bd. 16. Wiesbaden 1983), OCP 50 (1984) 473-475.
100. Review of N. Lebrecque-Pervouchine, L’iconostase: une évolution historique en Russie (Montréal 1982), OCP 50 (1984) 475-476.
101. Review of Symeon von Thessaloniki, Über die göttliche Mystagogie, übersetzt von W. Gamber, eingeleitet u. herausg. von K. Gamber (Studia patristica et liturgica, Beiheft 12. Regensburg 1984), OCP 50 (1984) 479-480.
102. Review of K. Gamber, Liturgische Texte aus der Kirche Äthiopiens (Studia patristica et liturgica, Beiheft 13. Regensburg 1984), OCP 50 (1984) 505.

1985 г.

103. “A Pilgrimage to the Origins of Religious Life: The Fathers of the Desert Today,” The American Benedictine Review 36 (1985) 113-142.
104. “Response to the Berakah Award: Anamnesis,” Worship 59 (1985) 304-325

1986 г.

105. The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West. The Origins of the Divine Office and its Meaning for Today (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1986) xv + 410 pp.
106. (Editor), The Oriental Orthodox Churches in the United States (Washington, DC: US Catholic Conference 1986) 28 pp.
107. “Russian Liturgy, a Mirror of the Russian Soul,” in Studi albanologici, balcanici, bizantini e orientali in onore di Giuseppe Valentini, S.J. (Studi albanesi, Studi e testi VI, Florence 1986) 413-435.
108. “The Inclination Prayer before Communion in the Byzantine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: A Study in Comparative Liturgy,” EOrans 3 (1986) 29-60.
109. “Foreword” to H.-J. Schulz, The Byzantine Liturgy. Symbolic Structure and Faith Expression (New York: Pueblo 1986) ix-xi.
110. (Collaborator), “Orientalia Christiana Periodica Indices of Volumes 26-50 (1960-1984),” OCP 52 (1986) 5-144.
111. “The Dialogue before the Anaphora in the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgy. I: The Opening Greeting,” OCP 52 (1986) 299-324.
112. “I protagonisti della liturgia,” La vita in Cristo e nella chiesa 35 no. 9 (novembre 1986) 10-12.
113. “Liturgia e spiritualità,” La vita in Cristo e nella chiesa 35 no. 10 (dicembre 1986) 24.
114. “Peregrinage a los orígines de la vida religiosa: los Padres del Desierto hoy,” Cistercium 38 (1986) 31-61 (Spanish version of no. 103).
115. Review of Francis Acharya, Prayer with the Harp of the Spirit, vol. 3, part II, An English Edition of the Divine Office of the West-Syrian Rite (Vagamon, India 1985), OCP 52 (1986) 231-232.
116. Review of G. Every, R. Harries, K. Ware (eds.), The Time of the Spirit. Readings through the Christian Year (Crestwood, NY 1984), OCP 52 (1986) 232-233.
117. Review of Monastic Typicon (New Skete, Cambridge, NY 1980), OCP 52 (1986) 237-238.
118. Review of E. Kasinec and B. Struminskyj, The Millennium Collection of Old Ukrainian Books at the University of Toronto Library. A Catalogue (Toronto 1984), OCP 52 (1986) 248.
119. Review of The Psalter (New Skete, Cambridge, NY 1984), OCP 52 (1986) 472- 473.
120. Review of Troparia and Kondakia (New Skete, Cambridge, NY 1984), OCP 52 (1986) 475-476.
121. Review of Paul Robert Magosci, Our People. The Carpatho-Rusyns and their Descendants in North America (Toronto 1984), OCP 52 (1986) 485-487.

1987 г.

122. “Liturgy and Eucharist. I. East,” in Jill Raitt (ed.), Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation = vol. 17 of World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest (New York 1987) 415-426.
123. “L’Ufficio divino: coro monastico, libro di preghiera o liturgia del popolo di Dio?” in R. Latourelle (ed.), Vaticano II: bilancio e prospettive venticinque wanni dopo (1962-1987) (Assisi 1987) vol. 1:623-640 (Итальянская версия № 144).
124. “Water into Wine. The Twice-Mixed Chalice in the Byzantine Eucharist,” Le Muséon 100 (1987) 323-342.
125. “La pénitence aujourd’hui. État de la recherche,” LMD 171 (1987) 7-35 (Французская версия № 133).

1988 г.

126. (Соавтор), “Presentazione,” in Ingresso di Cristo al Tempio. Divina Liturgia in rito Siro-Maronita, Basilica di San Pietro, 2 febbraio 1988 - Anno mariano (Vatican 1988) 4-11.
127. Ibid. in L’Osservatore romano (31 gennaio 1988) 6.
128. “Chto delat’ - What is to be done?” SJ News and Features vol. 16 no. 1 (January-February 1988) 4-6.
129. “Melismos and Comminution. The Fraction and its Symbolism in the Byzantine Tradition,” in G. Farnedi (ed.), Traditio et progressio. Studi liturgici in onore del Prof. Adrien Nocent, OSB (AL 12 = SA 95, Rome 1988) 531-552.
130. “The Dialogue before the Anaphora in the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgy. II: The Sursum corda,” OCP 54 (1988) 47-77.
131. “L’Office divin choeur monastique, livre de prière, ou liturgie du peuple de Dieu?” in R. Latourelle (ed.), Vatican II. Bilan et perspectives vingt-cinq ans après (1962-1987) (Recherches - nouvelle série 15, Montréal 1988) 33-52 (Французская версия № 144).
132. La Liturgia delle Ore in Oriente e in Occidente. Le origini dell’Ufficio divino e il suo significato oggi (Testi di teologia 4, Cinisello Balsamo [Milano]: Edizioni Paoline 1988) 544 pp. (Итальянская версия № 105).
133. “Penance in Contemporary Scholarship,” SL 18 (1988) 2-21.
134. “Mount Athos: A Late Chapter in the History of the ‘Byzantine Rite’,” DOP 42 (1988) 179-194.
135. Eastern-Rite Catholicism. Its Heritage and Vocation (Scranton: Center for Eastern Christian Studies, University of Scranton 1988) (репринт № 4).
136. Katolicizmus v˘chodného obradu. Jeho dediãestvo a poslanie (So stúdijn˘mi otázkami) (Stredisko v˘chodokrest’ansk˘ch studií Universista Scranton) (Самиздат словацкой версии № 4).
137. (Соредактор), Christianity among the Slavs. The Heritage of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Acts of the International Congress held on the Eleventh Centenary of the Death of St. Methodius, Rome, October 8-11, 1985, under the direction of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Edited by Edward C. Farrugia, S.J., Robert F. Taft, S.J., Gino K. Piovesana, S.J., with the Editorial Committee (OCA 231, Rome: PIO 1988) ix + 409 pp.
138. “Preface,” ibid., ix.
139. Review of Dimitri E. Conomos, The Late Byzantine and Slavonic Communion Cycle: Liturgy and Music (Washington, DC 1985), OCP 54 (1988) 244-246.
140. Review of Pavlo Markovyã, Rusyn Easter Eggs from Eastern Slovakia (Classics of Carpatho-Rusyn Scholarship 1, Vienna 1987), OCP 54 (1988) 263-264.
141. Review of Archimandrite Vasileios (Gondikakis) of Stavronikita, The Hymn of Entry. Liturgy and Life in the Orthodox Church (Crestwood, NY 1984), OCP 54 (1988) 274.
142. Review of Dimitri E. Conomos, The Late Byzantine and Slavonic Communion Cycle: Liturgy and Music (Washington, DC 1985), Worship 62 (1988) 554- 557.

1989 г.

143. “The Dialogue before the Anaphora in the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgy, III: ‘Let us give thanks to the Lord—It is fitting and right’,” OCP 55 (1989) 63-74.
144. “The Divine Office: Monastic Choir, Prayer Book, or Liturgy of the People of God? An Evaluation of the New Liturgy of the Hours in its Historical Context,” in R. Latourelle (ed.), Vatican II. Assessment and Perspectives Twenty-five Years After (1962-1987), 3 vols. (New York & Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press 1989) vol. 2:27-46.
145. “The Litany following the Anaphora in the Byzantine Liturgy,” in W. Nyssen (ed.), Simandron. Der Wachklopfer. Gedenkschrift für Klaus Gamber (1919-1989) (Cologne 1989) 233-256.
146. “El oficio divino: coro monástico, libro de oración o liturgia del pueblo de Dios? Una evaluación de la nueva liturgia de las horas en su contexto histórico,” in R. Latourelle (ed.), Vaticano II: Balance y perspectivas. Veinticinco años después (1962-1987) (Salamanca: Sígueme 1989) 460-481 (Испанская версия № 144).
147. Review of Buzavntion - Byzance - Byzantium. Tribute to Andreas N. Stratos, ed. N.A. Stratos. Vol. I: History - Arts and Archeology; vol. II: Theology and Philology (Athens 1986), OCP 55 (1989) 462-464.
148. Review of Dmytro Blazhejowskyj, Schematism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. A Survey of the Church in Diaspora, commissioned by the Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in commemoration of the Millennium of Christianity in Ukraine (Annals of the Order of St. Basil the Great = Analecta OSBM, Series II, Section I: Works, vol. 45, Rome 1988), OCP 55 (1989) 473-474.
149. Review of Menaion. Service Books of the Byzantine Churches (Newton Centre, MA: Sophia Press) vol. 1: September (1988); vol. 2: October (1988); vol. 4: December (1985); vol. 7: March (1985), OCP 55 (1989) 486-488.
150. Review of Ugo Zanetti, Les lectionnaires coptes annuels: Basse-Egypte (Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 33, Louvain-La-Neuve 1985), OCP 55 (1989) 488-491.

1990 г.

151. “The Authenticity of the Chrysostom Anaphora Revisited. Determining the Authorship of Liturgical Texts by Computer,” OCP 56 (1990) 5-51.
152. “In the Bridegroom’s Absence. The Paschal Triduum in the Byzantine Church,” in La celebrazione del Triduo pasquale: anamnesis e mimesis. Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Liturgia, Roma, Pontificio Istituto Liturgico, 9-13 maggio 1988 (AL 14 = SA 102, Rome 1990) 71-97.
153. “A Tale of Two Cities. The Byzantine Holy Week Triduum as a Paradigm of Liturgical History,” in J. Neil Alexander (ed.), Time and Community. In Honor of Thomas Julian Talley (NPM Studies in Church Music and Liturgy, Washington, DC: The Pastoral Press 1990) 21-41.
154. “Glossario liturgico,” in Liturgie dell’Oriente cristiano a Roma nell’Anno Mariano 1987-1988. Testi e studi, a cura dell’Ufficio delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche del Sommo Pontefice (Vatican 1990) 1391-1398.
155. (Соавтор), “Presentazione,” of “Divina Liturgia in rito Siro-maronita (2 febbraio 1988),” in Liturgie dell’Oriente cristiano a Roma nell’Anno Mariano 1987-1988. Testi e studi, a cura dell’Ufficio delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche del Sommo Pontefice (Vatican 1990) 244-247 (reprint of no. 126).
156. Review of Marvin R. O’Connell, John Ireland and the American Catholic Church (St. Paul 1988), OCP 56 (1990) 220-221.
157. Review of Intercessions for the Christian People. Prayers of the People for Cycles A, B, and C of the Roman, Episcopal, and Lutheran Lectionaries, edited by Gail Ramshaw (New York 1988), OCP 56 (1990) 226-227.
158. Review of Sebastià Janeras, Le vendredi-saint dans la tradition liturgique byzantine. Structure et histoire de ses offices (SA 99 = AL 13, Rome 1988), OCP 56 (1990) 227-229.
159. Review of Archbishop Paul of Finland, The Feast of Faith. An Introduction to the Love Feast of the Kingdom of God, trans. E. Williams (Crestwood, NY 1988), OCP 56 (1990) 230-231.

1991 г.

160. “Eastern Catholic Churches (Orientalium Ecclesiarum),” in Modern Catholicism. Vatican II and After, ed. Adrian Hastings (London: SPCK/New York: Oxford University Press 1991) 135-140.
161. “The Jesuit Apostolate to the Christian East: An Interview with Robert Taft, S.J.” Diakonia 24 (1991) 45-78.
162. “Ex Oriente...What?” Modern Liturgy 18/3 (April 1991) 14-17.
163-257. 95 articles in The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. A. Kazhdan, with A..-M. Talbot, A. Cutler, T.E. Gregory, N. •evãenko (New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press 1991):
“akolouthia, ambo, amnos, anaphora, Annunciation, apodeipnon, Ascension, asmatike akolouthia,
baptism, Birth of the Virgin, Byzantine Rite,
calendar (church), candles, catechumenate, Cheroubikon, commentaries, communion, cross, cursing,
diakonika, diataxis, diptychs (liturgical), Dormition, doxology,
Easter, epiklesis, Epiphany, eucharist, euchologion, evangelion, exorcism,
fasting, feast, fraction,
Good Friday, Great Entrance, Great Feasts,
Holy Week, horologion, hours (liturgical), Hypapante,
John the Baptist,
Latin Rite, Lazarus Saturday, lectionary, lections, Lent, litany, lite, Little Entrance, liturgical books, liturgy,
marriage rite, menaion, monogenes/Ho,
Palm Sunday, pastophoria, penance, Pentecost, pentekostarion, Phos hilaron, praxapostolos, prayer, Presanctified/Liturgy of the, Presentation of the Virgin, prophetologion, proskomide, prosphora, prothesis, psalmody,
Sabaitic typika, sacraments, sermon, solea, Stoudite typika, Sunday, synaxarion, synaxis,
Transfiguration, triodion, Trisagion, typikon (liturgical), Typikon of the Great Church,
vespers, vigil, Visitation,
year (liturgical),
258. “‘Holy Things for the Saints.’ The Ancient Call to Communion and its Response,” in G. Austen (ed.) Fountain of Life. In Memory of Niels K. Rasmussen, O.P. (NPM Studies in Church Music and Liturgy, Washington DC: The Pastoral Press 1991) 87-102.
259. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. IV: The Diptychs (OCA 238, Rome: PIO 1991) xxxiv + 214 pp.
260. La Liturgie des Heures en Orient et en Occident. Origine et sens de l’Office divin (Mysteria 2, Turnhout: Brepols 1991) 390 pp (Французская версия № 105).
261. “The Interpolation of the Sanctus into the Anaphora: When and Where? A Review of the Dossier” Part I, OCP 57 (1991) 281-308.
262. “The Beginning, the End, and What Happens in Between. The Origins and Meaning of the Liturgical Year. Apropos of a Recent Book,” OCP 57 (1991) 409-415.
263. Review of Marvin R. O’Connell, John Ireland and the American Catholic Church (St. Paul 1988), Worship 65 (1991) 177-180.
264. Review of Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Mount Sinai. An Orthodox "Pomjanyk" of the Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries, edited by Moshé Altbauer with the collaboration of Ihor •evãenko and Bohdan Struminsky (Harvard Ukrainian Institute Sources and Documents Series, Cambridge, MA 1989), OCP 57 (1991) 239-241.

1992 г.

265. “What Does Liturgy Do? Toward a Soteriology of Liturgical Celebration: Some Theses,” Worship 66 (1992) 194-211.
266. “The Interpolation of the Sanctus into the Anaphora: When and Where? A Review of the Dossier” Part II, OCP 58 (1992) 82-121.
267. “In Dialogue with the New Bulgaria: Pages from a Balkan Diary,” America no. 4166 = vol. 167 no. 3 (August 1-8, 1992) 54-60.
268. JO o AgioV jIwavnnhV oJ CrusovstomoV kai; hJ ajnafora; pou; fevrei to; o nomav tou, Kleronomia 21 (June-December 1989) 285-308 (published June 1992).
269. The Byzantine Rite. A Short History (American Essays in Liturgy, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1993) 84 pp.
270. R. Taft and Edward Farrugia, S.J., Теология на литургията и теология символа [The Theology of the Liturgy and the Theology of Symbol], ed. with an introd. by Gheorghi Minãev, trans. Elena Velkovska and Elizaveta Musakova (Sofia: Nov Bulgarski universitet - Rome: Papski Institut za Vostoka 1992) 11-95: “Византийското богослужение. Кратка история.” (Bulgarian version of an earlier redaction of the previous entry, trans. Elena Velkovska).
271. “From Logos to Spirit: The Early History of the Epiclesis,” in Gratias agamus. Studien zum eucharistischen Hochgebet, für Balthasar Fischer. Hrsg. von Andreas Heinz u. Heinrich Rennings in Verbindung mit dem Deutschen Liturgischen Institut, Trier (Pastoralliturgische Reihe in Verbindung mit der Zeitschrift Gottesdienst, hrsg. von den Liturgischen Instituten Salzburg, Trier, Zürich, Freiburg/Basel/Vienna: Herder 1992) 489-502.
272. “The Fruits of Communion in the Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom,” in I. Scicolone (ed.), Psallendum. Miscellanea di studi in onore del Prof. Jordi Pinell i Pons, O.S.B. (AL 15 = SA 105, Rome 1992) 275-302.
273. Review of The Ukrainian Religious Experience. Tradition and the Ukrainian Cultural Context. Edited by David J. Goa (Edmonton 1989), OCP 58 (1992) 633-635.
274. Review of Hugh Wybrew, The Orthodox Liturgy. The Development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite (London/Crestwood NY 1990), OCP 58 (1992) 610-611.

1993 г.

275. “Berg Athos: Ein neues Kapitel in der Geschichte des Byzantinischen Ritus,” Hagioritikon I (Gemeinschaft der Freunde des Agion Oros, Amberg 1993) 14-67 (German trans. of no. 134).
276. “Предисловие/Introduction,” Vselena/Oikoumenh (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1993) 7-14 (Bulgarian), 15-22 (English).
277. “Света Гора, кусен етап на византийската литургия,” Vselena/Oikoumenh (Sofia, Bulgaria) 1 (1993) 103-138 (Болгарский перевод № 134).
278. The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West. The Origins of the Divine Office and its Meaning for Today. Second Revised Edition (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1993) xix + 421 pp (2nd, revised ed. of no. 105).
279. “Che cosa fa la liturgia? Verso una soteriologia della celebrazione liturgica. Alcune tesi,” Communio. Rivista Internazionale di Teologia e Cultura, numero 129 (maggio-giugno 1993) 8-25 (Итальянский перевод № 265).
280. “Was leistet die Liturgie? Einige Thesen zu einer Soteriologie der Liturgiefeier,” Internationale katholische Zeitschrift "Communio", 22 Jahrgang = 3/93 (Mai 1993) 201-216 (Немецкий перевод № 265).
281. “Reconstituting the Oblation of the Chrysostom Anaphora: An Exercise in Comparative Liturgy,” OCP 59 (1993) 387-402.
282. Review of Commentary on the Divine Liturgy by Xosrov Anjewac`i. Translated with an introduction by S. Peter Cowe. (Armenian Church Classics. A Publication of the Department of Religious Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church, New York 1991), OCP 59 (1993) 274-276.
283. Review of A Classified Bibliography on the East Syrian Liturgy—La bibliographie classifiée de la liturgie syrienne orientale. Edited by Pierre Yousif with the collaboration of P. Kannookadan, A Kollaparampil, M. Kumpackal (Rome 1990), OCP 59 (1993) 276-277.
284. Review of Suor Maria Donadeo, L’anno liturgico bizantino (Bescia 1991), OCP 59 (1993) 277-278
285 Review of Aimé-Georges Martimort, Les “Ordines”, les Ordinaires et les Cérémoniaux. (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, Fasc. 56, A-VI.A.1*, Directeur L. Genicot, Université Catholique de Louvain—Institut d’études médiévales, Turnhout 1991); id., Les lectures liturgiques et leurs livres (Ibid., Fasc. 64, A-=VI.A.*, Turnhout 1992), OCP 59 (1993) 280-282.
286. Review of Brian D. Spinks, The sanctus in the eucharistic prayer (Cambridge/New York/Port Chester/Melbourne/Sydney 1991), OCP 59 (1993) 282-286.
287. Review of Kathleen Hughes, R.S.C.J., The Monk’s Tale. A Biography of Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B. (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1991), OCP 59 (1993) 286-288.
288. Review of Dmytro BlaÏejowskyj, Hierarchy of the Kyivan Church (861-1990) (Rome 1990), OCP 59 (1993) 310-312.
289. Review of The Ukrainian Religious Experience. Tradition and the Ukrainian Cultural Context. Edited by David J. Goa (Edmonton 1989), Religious Studies Review 19 (1993) 77.
290. Review of George Guiver, C.R., Company of Voices. Daily Prayer and the People of God (New York 1988), OCP 59 (1993) 568-569.
291. Review of Enrico Mazza, La mistagogia. Una teologia della liturgia in epoca patristica (BELS 46 = Collana Studi di liturgia, n.s. 17, Rome 1988); id., Mystagogy. A Theology of Liturgy in the Patristic Age (New York 1989), OCP 59 (1993) 569-570.

1994 г.

292. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II: The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and Other Preanaphoral Rites (OCA 200, 3rd ed. Rome: PIO 1994) (репринт № 39 с новым названием серии).
293. “The Oblation and Hymn of the Chrysostom Anaphora. Its Text and Antecedents,” in Miscellanea di studi in onore di P. Marco Petta per il LXX compleanno, vol. IV = BBGG n.s. 46 (1992) 319-345 (published 1994).
294. “The Synaxarion of Evergetis in the History of Byzantine Liturgy,” in M. Mullett and A. Kirby (eds.), The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism. Papers of the Third Belfast Byzantine International Colloquium, 1-4 May 1992 (Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations, 6.1, Belfast 1994) 274-293.
295. “The Society of Jesus and the Christian East: Realities, Prospects, Reflections,” Diakonia 27 (1994) 144-164.
296. (Co-editor), Il 75° anniversario del Pontificio Istituto Orientale. Atti delle celebrazioni giubilari, 15-17 ottobre 1992, a cura di Robert F. Taft, S.J., e James Lee Dugan, S.J. (OCA 244, Rome: PIO 1994) 318 pp.
297. “Preface,” ibid., 7.
298. “Reconstructing the History of the Byzantine Communion Ritual: Principles, Methods, Results,” EOrans. 9 (1994) 355-377.
299. “Предговор/Preface,” Вселена/Oikoumenh (Sofia, Bulgaria) 2 (1994) 9-12 (Bulgarian), 13-15 (English).
300. “Неделята вяв византийската традиция,” Вселена/Oikoumenh (Sofia, Bulgaria) 2 (1994) 73-94 (Болгарская версия № 62).
301. Review of Paul F. Bradshaw, The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship. Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy (New York/Oxford 1992), The Catholic Historical Review 80 (1994) 556-558.
302. Review of Hugh Wybrew, The Orthodox Liturgy. The Development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite (Crestwood, NY 1990), Harvard Ukrainian Studies 16 (1992) 459 (published in fall of 1994).


303. Liturgy in Byzantium and Beyond (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS494, Aldershot/Brookfield: Variorum 1995) xiv + 352 pp.
304. “War and Peace in the Byzantine Divine Liturgy,” in T.S. Miller & J. Nesbitt (eds.) War and Peace in Byzantium. Festschrift for George Dennis, S.J. (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press 1995) 17-32.
305. (Associate editor), The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, Richard P. McBrien (ed.), Robert F. Taft et alii (associate eds.) (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishers 1995).
306-486. 181 articles in The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, Richard P. McBrien (ed.), Robert F. Taft et al. (associate eds.) (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishers 1995):
“Abbuna, Akathistos, Akolouthia, Alexandrian Rite, Aliturgical Days, Allatius Leo, All-night Vigil, Ambo, Antidoron, Antimension, Antiochene Rite, Apodosis, Archdeacon, Archimandrite, Archpriest, Armenian Rite,
Baumstark Anton, Bema, Biritualism, Bishop Edmund, Byzantine Italy, Byzantine Rite, Byzantine Style,
Canon [Liturgical], Canticle, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, Catholicos, Cerularius Michael, Chaldean Rite, Chant Byzantine, Cheirotonia, Cherubicon, Chevetogne, Chorbishop, Concelebration, Congregation for the Oriental Churches, Copt & Coptic, Coptic Rite, Crown episcopal, Crowning liturgical,
Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches, Dikirion & Trikirion, Divine Liturgy, Dove,
East-Syrian Rite, Eastern Catholic Cardinals, Eastern Catholic Liturgical Languages, Eastern Catholic Patriarchates, Eastern Catholic Sanctoral, Eastern Catholics and Rome, Eastern Catholics and Vatican II, Eastern Churches, Eastern Liturgies, Eastern Rites, Eastern Schism, Enarxis, Epiclesis, Epigonation, Epimanikia, Epitaphios, Epitrachelion, Ethiopian Rite, Euchologion, Eulogia,
Ge’ez, Grabar, Great Church, Great Doxology, Great Entrance, Great Lent, Great Week, Greek Catholics, Greek College, Greek Rite, Grottaferrata Abbey of,
Hagia Sophia Church of, Hagiology, Hegumen, Hieratikon, Hierodeacon, Hieromonk, Horologion, Hypapante,
Iconostasis, Isidore of Kiev,
Jerusalem Eucharistic Congress, Jerusalem Rite,
Kamilaukion (Kamilavka, Klobuk), Kathisma, Kontakion, Kurisumala Ashram, Kyr,
Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Latin Patriarchates, Latin Rite, Latinization, Lavra, Lazarus Saturday, Little Entrance, Liturgikon, Liturgy of Addai and Mari, Liturgy of St. Basil, Liturgy of St. James, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Liturgy of St. Mark, Lucernarium,
Mandyas, Mar, Mar Charbel, Mar Ivanios, Maronite College, Maronite Monks, Maronite Rite, Maximus IV Sayegh, Mekhitarists, Menaion, Metania, Monks of St. Hormisdas,
Odes, Oktoechos, Old Church Slavonic, Omophorion, Orarion, Orthodox Christianity, Orthros,
Panagia, Patarag, Patriarch [Ecclesiastical], Patriarchate, Pentarchy, Pentekostarion, Phelonion, Phos hilaron, Pontifical Oriental Institute, Presanctified Liturgy, Prosphora, Prothesis, Protodeacon, Protopresbyter, Pseudo-Synod of Lvov (Lviv), Pseudo-Synod of Presov, Pseudo-Union of Alba Iulia, Pseudo-Union of Uzhorod,
Qurbana & Qurbono,
Ramsa & Ramso, Raza, Rerum Orientalium, Rhipidion, Rite, Roman Rite,
Sakkos, San Lazzaro, Sapra & Safro, Schema, Sergius of Radonezh St., Simandron, Skete, Sobornost, Solea, Stational Liturgy, Sticharion, Studites, Syriac, Syro-Antiochene Rite, Syro-Malabar Rite, Syro-Malankara Rite,
Theodore of Studios St., Theopaschite Clause, Theophany, Thomas Christians, Tisserant Eugene, Triodion, Trisagion, Typikon, Twelve Great Feasts,
Uniatism, Unity Brothers, Unmixed Chalice,
West-Syrian Rite,
Zeon, Zone.”
487. Orientalia Christiana Analecta Norms and Regulations for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts (OCA, Rome: EOC 1995) 43 pp.
488. “The Minister of Holy Communion in the Eastern Traditions,” in G. Karukaparampil (ed.), Tuvaik. Studies in Honour of Rev. Jacob Vellian (Syrian Churches Series XVI, Kottayam 1995) 1-19.
489. “Liturgie und Eucharistie. I. Der Osten,” in J. Raitt (ed.), Geschichte der christlichen Spiritualität, Bd. II: Hochmittelalter und Reformation (Würzburg 1995) 423-434 (German version of no. 122—very unsatisfactory translation, published without possibility of corrections by the author).
490. “Respectful of the Church, Responsible to the Truth,” National Jesuit News (October 1995) 8-9.
491. “Church and Liturgy in Byzantium: The Formation of the Byzantine Synthesis,” in C.C. Akentiev (ed.), Liturgy, Architecture, and Art in the Byzantine World. Papers of the XVIII International Byzantine Congress (Moscow 8-15 August 1991) and Other Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Fr. John Meyendorff (Vizantinorossika—Byzantinorossica, vol. I, Publications of the St. Petersburg Society for Byzantine and Slavic Studies, St. Petersburg 1995) 13-29.
492. Review of Henryk Paprocki, Le mystère de l’eucharistie. Genèse et interprétation de la liturgie eucharistique byzantine (Paris: Cerf 1993), OC 79 (1995) 233-236.

1996 г.

493. “Praying to or for the Saints? A Note on the Sanctoral Intercessions—Commemorations in the Anaphora: History and Theology,” in M. Schneider, W. Berschin (eds), Ab Oriente et Occidente (Mt 8,11). Kirche aus Ost und West. Gedenkschrift für Wilhelm Nyssen (St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag 1996) 439-455.
494. “The Precommunion Elevation of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy,” OCP 62 (1996) 15-52.
495. (Редактор), The Christian East. Its Institutions & Its Thought. A Critical Reflection. Papers of the International Scholarly Congress for the 75th Anniversary of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, 30 May—5 June 1993, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 251, Rome: PIO 1996).
496. “The Epiclesis Question in the Light of the Orthodox and Catholic Lex orandi Traditions,” in Bradley Nassif (ed.), New Perspectives on Historical Theology. Essays in Memory of John Meyendorff (Grand Rapids/Cambridge: William B. Erdmann's Publishing Co. 1996) 210-237.
497. “Some Structural Problems in the Syriac Anaphora of the Apostles I,” in A Festschrift for Dr. Sebastian P. Brock = ARAM Periodical 5:1-2 (1993) 505-520 (published 1996).
498. “Understanding the Byzantine Anaphoral Oblation,” in N. Mitchell, J. Baldovin (eds.), Rule of Prayer, Rule of Faith. Essays in Honor of Aidan Kavanagh, O.S.B. (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1996) 32-55.
499. “Bizanzio in Italia,” in Chronica II: “L’eucologio Barberini gr. 336, il più antico testo liturgico delle Chiese bizantine,” Antonianum 71 (1996) 590-595.
500. “The Syro-Malabar Liturgical Controversy,” in Jose Porunnedom (ed.), Acts of the Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church held in the Vatican from 8 to 16 January 1996 (The Syro-Malabar Archiepiscopal Curia, Mount St. Thomas, Kochi 1996) 122-138.
501. Le rite byzantin. Bref historique. Traduit de l’anglais par Jean Laporte (Liturgie. Collection de recherche du Centre national de pastorale liturgique 8, Paris: Éditions du Cerf 1996) (French trans. of no 269).
502. “Ecumenical Scholarship and the Catholic-Orthodox Epiclesis Dispute,” OKS 45 (1996) 201-226.
503. “Communion via Intinction,” in Soli Deo gloria. Essays to Recognize the Life’s Work of Wiebe Vos, ed. Geoffrey Wainwright and Karen Westerfield Tucker = SL 26 (1996) 225-236.
504. “The Syro-Malabar Liturgical Controversy,” Tanima. A Review of St. Thomas Academy for Research (Kerala, India), 4 (1996) 60-78 (Репринт № 500).
505. “L’anno liturgico,” the author’s mimeographed Italian “dispense” or course notes on the Liturgical Year in the Eastern Traditions (Rome, PIO 1980) reprinted in their entirety, except for the bibliography, without permission or credit, in Nicola Bux, La liturgia degli Orientali (Quaderni di O Odigos, Centro ecumenico «S. Nicola», Padri Domenicani— Bari, anno XII, 1, 1996) 207-236.
506. Review of Lorene Hanley Duquin, They Called Her the Baroness. The Life of Catherine de Hueck Doherty. (New York: Alba House, 1995) OCP 62 (1996) 517-519.
507. Review of Dmytro Blazhejowskyj, Historical Schematism of the Eparchy of Peremysl, including the Apostolic Administration of Lemkischyna (1828-1939). Published in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the Union of Berestja (Lviv, Kamenyar 1995) OCP 62 (1996) 537-538.

1997 г.

508. “The Lord’s Prayer in the Eucharistic Liturgy: When and Why?” EOrans 14 (1997) 137-155.
509. Beyond East and West. Problems in Liturgical Understanding. Second revised and enlarged edition (Rome: EOC 1997) 318 pp. (2nd, revised and enlarged edition of no. 88).
510. (), The Armenian Christian Tradition. Scholarly Symposium in Honor of the Visit to the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, of His Holiness Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, December 12, 1996, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 254, Rome: PIO 1997) 197 pp.
511. “The Armenian ‘Holy Sacrifice (Surb Patarag)’ as a Mirror of Armenian Liturgical History,” in R.F. Taft (ed.), The Armenian Christian Tradition. Scholarly Symposium in Honor of the Visit to the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, of His Holiness Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, December 12, 1996 (OCA 254, Rome: PIO 1997) 175-197.
512. “Ufficio Divino nelle Chiese orientali,” in Dizionario degli istituti di perfezione (Rome: Edizioni Paoline 1997) vol. IX, 1447-1449.
513. “«Piccoli uffici» in Oriente,” in Dizionario degli istituti di perfezione (Rome: Edizioni Paoline 1997) vol. IX, 1463-1464.
514. “Maria SS. Madre di Dio,” in C. Giraudo, G. Marani, F. Rossi de Gasperis, M.I. Rupnik, T. Spidlik, R.F. Taft, Omelie di Natale, a cura di G. Marani (Betel—brevi saggi spirituali 4, Rome: Lipa 1997) 43-57.
515. “The Origins and Development of the Byzantine Communion Psalmody” part I, SOC 1/1-2 (1997) 108-134.
516. “John of Ephesus and the Byzantine Chant for Holy Thursday,” OCP 63 (1997) 503-509.
517. “Holy Week in the Byzantine Tradition,” in A. G. Kollamparampil (ed.), Hebdomandae sanctae celebratio. Conspectus historicus comparativus. The Celebration of Holy Week in Ancient Jerusalem and its Development in the Rites of East and West (BELS 93, Rome:CLV—Edizioni liturgiche 1997) 67-91.
518. “John Chrysostom and the Byzantine Anaphora that Bears his Name,” in Paul F. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharist Prayers (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1997) 195-226.
519 “Über die Liturgiewissenschaft heute,” Theologische Quartalschrift 177 (1997) 243-255.
520. “The Contribution of Eastern Liturgy to the Understanding of Christian Worship,” Logos 37 (1996) 273-298 (published in 1997).
521. “Byzantine Communion Spoons: A Review of the Evidence,” DOP 50 (1996) 209-238 (published in 1997).
522. “Liturgies orientales: une évolution selon ses propres rhythmes,” in Claude Barthe (ed.), Reconstruire la liturgie. Recontres avec Jean-Robert Armogathe, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Jacques Dupâquier, Pierr Gardeil, René Girard, Louis Hage, Mgr Georges Lagrange, Michel Lelong, Dominique Millet, Marcel Pérès, Luc Perrin, Ashraf Sadek, Robert Spaemann, Robert F. Taft (Paris: François-Xavier de Guibert 1997) 205-214.
523. “Дискусія,” в Б. Гудзяк (ред.), Берестейська унія та внутрешне життя Церкви в XVII столітті (Львів 1997) 29-31, 39.
524. “Quaestiones disputatae: The Skeuophylakion of Hagia Sophia and the Entrances of the Liturgy Revisited,” Part I, OC 81 (1997) 1-35.
525. Русская литургия: зеркало русской души// Страницы (Журнал Библейско-богословского института Св. Апостола Андрея), № 2 (1997). - Сс. 565-585 (Русский перевод № 107).
526. Review of Commentary on the Divine Liturgy by Xosrov Anjewac`i. Translated with an introduction by S. Peter Cowe. (Armenian Church Classics. A Publication of the Department of Religious Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church, New York 1991), Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 7 (1994) 174-177 (published in 1997).

1998 г.

527. “Il Sabato santo e la veglia pasquale,” in C. Giraudo, G. Marani, F. Rossi de Gasperis, M.I. Rupnik, T. Spidlik, R.F. Taft, Omelie di Pasqua, a cura di G. Marani (Betel—brevi saggi spirituali 6, Rome: Lipa 1998) 55-67.
528. “Dr Zhivago’s Message,” The Tablet, 25 May 1998, 550-551.
529. “The Missionary Effort of the Eastern Churches as an Example of Inculturation,” in Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, Le Chiese orientali e la missione in Asia. Riflessioni in preparazione all’Assemblea Speciale del Sinodo dei Vescovi (Vatican 1998) 28-45.
530. “The Origins and Development of the Byzantine Communion Psalmody” part II, SOC 2/1 (1998) 85-107.
531. “The Armenian Liturgy: Its Origins and Characteristics,” in Treasures in Heaven: Armenian Art, Religion, and Society. Papers Delivered at the Pierpont Morgan Library at a Symposium Organized by Thomas F. Mathews and Roger S. Wieck, 21-22 May 1994 (New York 1998) 13-30.
532.Молитва святым или молитва за святых?//Страницы (Журнал Библейско-богословского института Св. Апостола Андрея), № 3/2, 1998 г. - Сс. 225-238 (Русский перевод № 493).
533. “The Syro-Malabar Liturgical Controversy,” in Acts of the Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church, held in the Vatican from 8 to 16 January 1996 (Servizio informazioni per le Chiese orientali, Supplemento ai numeri 581-604, Vatican 1998) 97-111 (Репринт № 500).

1999 г.

540. Oltre l’oriente e l’occidente. Per una tradizione liturgica viva, trans. Sara Staffuzza (Pubblicazione del Centro Aletti 21, Rome: Lipa 1999) (Итальянская версия № 509) 355 pp.
541. “One Bread, One Body: Ritual Symbols of Ecclesial Communion in the Patristic Period,” in Nova Doctrina Vetusque: Essays in Early Christianity in Honor of Fredric W. Schlatter, S.J. Edited by Douglas Kries and Catherine Brown Tkacz (American University Studies, Series VII, Theology and Religion vol. 207, New York: Peter Lang 1999) 23-50.
542. Storia sintetica del rito bizantino (Collana di pastorale liturgica 20, Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999) (Итальянская версия №  269).
543. “Reflections on ‘Uniatism’ in the Light of Some Recent Books,” OCP 65 (1999) 153-184, and “Correction,” OCP 65 (1999) 466.
544. Экуменическая наука и католическо-православный спор об эпиклесисе///Страницы (Журнал Библейско-богословского института Св. Апостола Андрея), № 4:1, 1999 г. - Сс. 69-81.
545. “Women at Church in Byzantium: Where, When—and Why,” DOP 52 (1998) 27-87 (published summer 1999).
546. “The Missionary Effort of the Eastern Churches as an Example of Inculturation,” CCOr 1 (1999) 25-42 (Репринт № 529).
547. “Byzantine Liturgy,” in The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, ed. K. Parry et al. (0xford: Blackwell 1999) 102-108.
548. “Eastern Catholic Theology—Is There Any Such Thing? Reflections of a Practitioner,” Logos 38 (1998) 13-58 (published in the fall of 1999).
549. (Соавтор), Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, Il grande Giubileo del Duemila e le Chiese orientali cattoliche. Sussidio pastorale (Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999) 137 pp. (Co-author of Parte prima: “Il Giubileo nelle Chiese orientali cattoliche,” 5-24; author of Appendice I: “I misteri della salvezza nell’anno liturgico secondo le tradizioni orientali,” 95-127).
550. Il Sanctus nell’anafora. Un riesame della questione (Rome: Edizioni Orientalia Christiana 1999) (Italian trans. of nos. 261, 266).
551. “Liturgia come espressione di identità ecclesiale,” in Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, L’identità delle Chiese Orientali Cattoliche. Atti dell’incontro di studi dei Vescovi e dei Superiori Maggiori delle Chiese Orientali Cattoliche d’Europa, Nyíregyháza (Ungheria) 30 giugno - 6 luglio 1997 (Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999) 119-136.
552. “Liturgy as the Expression of the Identity of the Church,” ECJ 6/1 (Spring 1999) 30-35 (English summary of no. 551).
553. “Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (d. 1948): A Reply to Recent Critics,” Worship 73 (1999) 521-540.
554. “Easter,” in Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World. Edited by Glen W. Bowersock, Peter Brown, and Oleg Grabar (Cambridge Mass./London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1999) 420-421
555. “Byzantine Communion Rites: I. The Early Ritual of Clergy Communion,” OCP 65 (1999) 307-345.
556. “Marian Liturgical Veneration: Origins, Meaning, and Contemporary Catholic Renewal,” in Orientale Lumen III Conference. Proceedings—1999. June 15-18, 1999, at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (Fairfax VA: Eastern Churches Publications 1999) 91-112.
557. “L’apport des liturgies d’Orient à l’intelligence du culte chrétien,” in Paul De Clerck (ed.), La liturgie, lieu théologique (Sciences théologiques et religieuses, Paris: Beauchesne 1999) 97-122.
558. Review of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, Words of the Servant of God (Seniors Club, Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada, Toronto: The Basilian Press 1995) OCP 65 (1999) 203-204.
559. Review of Paul Robert Magosci, Our People. Carpatho-Rusyns and their Descendants in North America (Multicultural History Society of Ontario, Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1994) OCP 65 (1999) 208.
560. Review of Opportunity Realized. The Greek Catholic Union’s First One Hundred Years 1892-1992 (Greek Catholic Union of the U.S.A., Beaver, Pennsylvania 1994) OCP 65 (1999) 210-211.
561. Review of L’Eucologio Barberini gr. 336 (ff. 1-263). Edizione a cura di Stefano Parenti ed Elena Velkovska (BELS 80, Rome: Edizioni liturgiche 1995) OCP 65 (1999) 227-231.
562. Review of Nicolau Cabàsilas, La Vida en Crist. Introducció d’Antonis Fyrigos, Traducció de Nolasc del Molar (Clàssics del Cristianisme 42, Barcelona: Edicions Proa 1993) OCP 65 (1999) 253-254.

2000 г.

563. “Orientalische-Katholische Theologie: Fällige Wiedergeburt nach langwieriger Schwangerschaft.” Festvortrag zur Eröffnung des Collegium Orientale in Eichstätt, 31. Oktober 1999, CCOr 2/1 (2000) 10-31.
564. (Соредактор), Crossroad of Cultures. Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honor of Gabriele Winkler, edited by Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Elena Velkovska, and Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 260, Rome: PIO 2000) 744 pp.
565. “Introduction. Gabriele Winkler at Sixty. Vita et Opera,” in Crossroad of Cultures. Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honor of Gabriele Winkler, edited by Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Elena Velkovska, and Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 260, Rome: PIO 2000) 11-29.
566. “The bhmativkion in the 6/7th c. Narration of the Abbots John and Sophronius (BHGNA 1438w). An Exercise in Comparative Liturgy,” in Crossroad of Cultures. Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honor of Gabriele Winkler, edited by Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Elena Velkovska, and Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 260, Rome: PIO 2000) 675-692.
567. “Préface" to Thomas Pott OSB, La réforme liturgique byzantine. Étude du phénomène de l’évolution non-spontanée de la liturgie byzantine (BELS 104, Rome: CLV - Edizioni Liturgiche 2000) 5-6.
568. “The Liturgy in the Life of the Church,” abridged version of the Conference given at the “Encounter of Eastern Catholic Bishops of America and Oceania,” Boston, November 8-12, 1999, The Maronite Voice vol. 6 no. 7 (March 2000) 6-7, 12; no. 8 (April 2000) 10-11, 20; no. 9 (May 2000) 6-7, 11-12.
569. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. V: The Precommunion Rites (OCA 261, Rome: PIO 2000) 573 pp.
570. “Riforma liturgica e riforma liturgica bizantina,” Ephemerides liturgicae 114 (2000) 189-192.
571. “‘Eastern Presuppositions’ and Western Liturgical Renewal,” Antiphon 5:1 (2000) 10-22.
572. Византийский церковный обряд (из серии "Византийская библиотека").-
Санкт-Петербург: Алетейя, 2005 г. - 160 с.(Русская версия № 269).
573. “Liturgy as Expression of Church Identity,” Folia Athanasiana 1 (Nyíregyháza, Hungary, 1999) 29-45 (English version of no. 551, published July 2000).
574. “Prothesis,” in E. Farrugia (ed.), Dizionario enciclopedico dell’Oriente cristiano (Rome: EOC 2000) 625-627.
575. “The Frequency of the Eucharist in Byzantine Usage: History and Practice,” in Miscellanea Metreveli = SOC 4/1 (2000) 103-132.
576. “Translating Liturgically,” Logos 39 (1998) 155-184, and discussion 185-190 (published November 2000).
577. “Reflections on ‘Uniatism’,” ECJ 7/1 (2000) 33-71 (revision of no. 543).
578. “The Liturgy of the Hours in the East,” in Handbook for Liturgical Studies, vol. V: Liturgical Time and Space, ed. Anscar J. Chupungco, O.S.B. (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2000) 29-58.
579. “The Theology of the Liturgy of the Hours,” in Handbook for Liturgical Studies, vol. V: Liturgical Time and Space, ed. Anscar J. Chupungco, O.S.B. (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2000) 119-132.
580. “Слово до випускників// Богословія (Львів) 64 (2000) 87-100.
581. Review of Nicola Bux, La liturgia degli Orientali (Quaderni di O Odigos, Centro eumenico «S. Nicola», Padri Domenicani— Bari, anno XII, 1, 1996), EOrans 17 (2000) 140-142.
582. Review of Kyriaki Karidoyanes Fitzgerald, Women Deacons in the Orthodox Church: Called to Holiness and Ministry. (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press 1998) Worship 74 (2000) 286-288.

2001 г.

583. “The Liturgy in the Life of the Church,” Conference given at the “Encounter of Eastern Catholic Bishops of America and Oceania,” Boston, November 8-12, 1999, in Third Millennium. Indian Journal of Evangelization 3/3 (2000) 102-107; 3/4 (2000) 112-119; 4/1 (2001) 88-108.
584. “The Liturgy in the Life of the Church,” ECJ 7/2 (2000) 65-106 (reprint of no. 583; published in 2001).
585. “The Liturgical Year: Studies, Prospects, Reflections,” in Maxwell E. Johnson (ed.), Between Memory and Hope: Readings in the Liturgical Year (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2001) 3-23 (reprint of no. 54).
586. “The Frequency of the Celebration of the Eucharist throughout History,” in Maxwell E. Johnson (ed.), Between Memory and Hope: Readings in the Liturgical Year (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2001) 77-96 (revision of no. 60).
587. “Holy Week in the Byzantine Tradition,” in Maxwell E. Johnson (ed.), Between Memory and Hope: Readings in the Liturgical Year (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2001) 155-181 (reprint of no 517).
588. “A Generation of Liturgy in the Academy,” Worship 75 (2001) 46-58.
589. “Roma: la testimonianza della liturgia orientale,” Beza—Fede. Corrispondenza del circolo italo-albanese di cultura 137 (gennaio 2001) 4-9 (Итальянский перевод части №. 571).
590. Beyond East and West. Problems in Liturgical Understanding. Second revised and enlarged edition (Rome: EOC 2001) (Репринт № 509).
591. “What Does Liturgy Do? Toward a Soteriology of Liturgical Celebration: Some Theses,” in Dwight W. Vogel (ed.), Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology: A Reader (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2000) 139-150 (Выдержки из № 265).
592. La Liturgia delle Ore in Oriente e in Occidente. Le origini dell’Ufficio divino e il suo significato oggi, 2a edizione revisionata con nuova traduzione di Sara Staffuzza (Pubblicazioni del Centro Aletti, Rome: Lipa 2001) 500 pp. (пересмотренный перевод № 278).
593. “Lviv Theological Academy Convocation Address at Graduation, 27 June 2000,” ECJ 7/3 (2000) 29-42 (appeared in 2001).
594. “Die Liturgie im Leben der Kirche,” CCOr 3/1 (2001) 33-55 (Немецкая версия № 583).
595. “‘Communion in the Holy Spirit’ in the Byzantine Liturgy,” in Orientale Lumen IV Conference Proceedings 2000, June 19-23, 2000, at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (Fairfax VA: Eastern Christian Publications 2001) 17-46.
596. “Introduction to the Series Anaphorae Orientales,” in H.-J. Feulner, Die armenische Anaphora des hl. Athanasius. Kritischer Edition, Übersetzung und liturgievergleichender Kommentar (Anaphorae Orientales 1 = Anaphorae Armeniacae 1, Rome: PIO 2001) vii-x.
597. “Anaphorae Armeniacae—I. Foreword,” in H.-J. Feulner, Die armenische Anaphora des hl. Athanasius. Kritischer Edition, Übersetzung und liturgievergleichender Kommentar (Anaphorae Orientales 1 = Anaphorae Armeniacae 1, Rome: PIO 2001) xi-xx.
598. Divine Liturgies—Human Problems in Byzantium, Armenia, Syria and Palestine (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS716, Aldershot/Burlington USA/Singapore/Sidney: Ashgate-Variorum 2001).
599. “Stralci dagli interventi dei dibattiti,” Atti el Convegno “L’esperienza delle Chiese unite e il suo significato per il futuro del cattolicesimo e del dialogo ecumenico in Russia,” = La nuova Europa N. 5 (299) (settembre-ottobre 2001) 117-118.
600.“H Oukraniva kai oi avlleV EkklhsiveV. Epiv th eukairiva epivskeyhV (ekeiv) tou Pavpa Iwavvnnh-Pauvlou B v (IouvnioV 2001). To «Enwtikov» provblhma kai h kavqarsh twn anamnhvsewn: anavmhsi kai ovci amnhsiva,� SUGCRONA BHMATA 32 no. 119 (Athens, July-Sept. 2001) 143-184 (Греческий перевод № 634).
601. “Byzantine Communion Rites II: Later Formulas and Rubrics in the Ritual of Clergy Communion,” OCP 67 (2001) 275-352.
602. “Introducing the New Series: Anaphorae Orientales,” OCP 67 (2001) 555-558.
603. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 1: “ECJ Question Box Rules,” “Prayers Before Communion in the Byzantine Eucharist,” “Clergy Communion at the Byzantine Presanctified Liturgy,” ECJ 8/1 (2001) 123-126 (=123-4, 124-5, 125-6).
604. (Co-editor), Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001).
605. Co-author with Gabriele Winkler, “Introduction,” Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001) 9-29.
606. “Anton Baumstark’s Comparative Liturgy Revisited,” in Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001) 191-232.
607. “Liturgia oriental,” in Diccionario histórico de la Compañía de Jesús. Biografico-tematico, ed. C.E. O’Neill, J.M. Domínguez (Rome/Madrid 2001) 3:2880-2882.
608. “The Liturgy in the Life of the Church,” Logos 40 (1999) 187-229 (reprint of no. 583—appeared in 2001).
609. Review of Michael Kunzler, Archieratikon. Einführung in Geist und Gestalt der bischöflichen Liturgie im byzantinischen Ritus der griechisch-katholischen Kirche der Ukraine (Paderborn: Bonifatius Druck Buch Verlag 1998), OCP 67 (2001) 226-230.
610. Review of Andreas Heinz, Die Eucharstiefeier in der Deutung syrischer Liturgieerklärer. Die Liturgiekommentare von Georg dem Araberbischof (†724), Mose bar Kepha (†903), Dionysius bar Salibi (†1171) (Sophia. Quellen östlicher Theologie, Hrsg. von Andreas Heinz, Bd. 33, Paulinus Verlag, Trier, 2000), OCP 67 (2001) 506-507.

2002 г.

611. “P. Robert Taft, S.J.—Biography,” CCOr 3/3 (2001) – 4/1 (2002) 90-94.
612. “P. Robert Taft, S.J.—Bibliography,” CCOr 3/3 (2001) – 4/1 (2002) 95-117.
613. “P. Robert Taft, S.J.—Lectures, Scholarly Congresses and Papers,” CCOr 3/3 (2001)-4/1 (2002) 117-126.
614. “Lent: A Meditation,” The Font 18/2 (Lent 2002) 4-11 (reprint of chap. 4 of no. 509).
615. “Eastern Catholic Theology. Slow Rebirth after a Long and Difficult Gestation,” ECJ 8/2 (summer 2001) 51-80 (Английская версия № 563).
616. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 2: “Were Liturgical Prayers Once Recited Aloud?” ECJ 8/2 (Summer 2001) 107-113 (published in 2002).
617. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 3: “Where was the bishop seated at the pontifical Divine Liturgy?” ECJ 8/3 (2001) 127-130 (published in 2002).
618. Command to Repeat’,” in Miscellanea Carmelo Capizzi = SOC 6/1 (2002) 129-149.
Анамнез, не амнезія: зцілення пам'яти та проблема "униатизму"//Богослові 66/1-2 (2002) 76-100.
620. “Das Problem des ‘Uniatismus’ und der ‘Heilung der Errinerungen’: Anamesis, nicht Amnesia,” CCOr 4/2 (2002) 102-125 (German translation of no. 634).
621. “Zur Theologie der Tagzeitenliturgie,” Heiliger Dienst 56/2 (2002) 71-82 (German translation of no. 579).
622. Katolicismus v˘chodního obfiadu. Dûdictví a poslání (Edice Hla Velehradu XIII, Velehrad/Roma: Centrum Aletti 2002) (Чешский перевод № 4).
623. “Toward the Origins of the Small Omophorion,” in I. Ivancsó (ed.), Ecclesiam edificans. A 70 éves Keresztes Szilárd püspök köszéntése [A Festscrhrift for His Excellency Bishop Szilárd Keresztes, Greek-Catholic Eparch of Hajdúdorog, Hungary, on his 70th Birthday] (Nyíregyháza: St. Athanasius Greek-Catholic School of Theology 2002) 25-37.
624. “Ton Buzantinon Tupikon (Suvntomh iJstorikh enpiskovpish ) (Translation—commentary by Archpriest Dimitrios Vakaros),” I (chaps. 1-5), 85 (2002) 595-656 (неауторизированный греческий перевод № 269).
625. “Historicismus a korai bizánci liturgiában,” Klió 11 (Debrecen 2002/2) 32-36 (Венгерский первод части № 540).

2003 г.

626. Ton Buzantinon Tupikon (Suvntomh iJstorikh ejpiskovpish ) (Translation—commentary by Archpriest Dimitrios Vakaros), II (chaps. 6-7), 86 (2003) 3-26 (неауторизированный греческий перевод № 269).
627. “Liturgy in the Life and Mission of the Society of Jesus,” in Keith Pecklers (ed.), Liturgy in a Postmodern World (London/NY: Continuum 2003) 36-54, 183-199.
628. “Aradhana Kramam: Deivasastra Srothas,” in Aradhanakrama Vidanankosham (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Liturgy), (Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 367, Kottayam 2003) 92-94 (Малаямский перевод № 61).
629. “Home-Communion in the Late Antique East,” in Clare V. Johnson (ed.), Ars Liturgiae. Worship: Aesthetics and Praxis. Essays in Honor of Nathan D. Mitchell (Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications 2003) 1-25.
630. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 4: “Why is it customary to recite the Prayer before Communion and not chant it like all the other prayers?”; Does there exist a detailed description of the Greek Hierarchical Divine Liturgy?” ECJ 9/1 (2002) 93-94 (appeared Spring 2003).
631. “Robert Taft,” personal profile in V. Valentí Gómez i Oliver, Josep M. Benítez i Riera, 31 jesuïtes es confessen Imago mundi (Biblioteca Universal 181, Barcelona: Editorial Empúries 2003) 249-285 (in Catalan).
632. “Mass Without the Consecration?” America Vol. 188 No. 16 = Whole No. 4610, (May 12, 2003) 7-11.
633. “Robert F. Taft,” personal profile in V. Valentí Gómez-Oliver y Josep M. Benítez, 31 jesuïtas se confiesan Imago Mundi (Biblioteca Universal 181, Barcelona: Ediciones Peninsula 2003) 243-279 (Spanish version of no. 629).
634. “The Problem of ‘Uniatism’ and the ‘Healing of Memories’: Anamnesis, not Amnesia,” Annual Kelly Lecture at The University of St. Michael’s College of the University of Toronto, December 1, 2000, Logos 41-42 (2000-2001) 155-196 (published May 2003).
635. “Remembrance and Hope.” Convocation Address at the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, December 2, 2000, Logos 41-42 (2000-2001) 383-390 (published May 2003).
636. “Mass Without the Consecration? The Historic Agreement on the Eucharist between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East Promulgated 26 October 2001,” Annual Paul Wattson—Lurana White Lecture at the Centro pro Unione, Rome, March 20, 2003, Centro pro Unione Semi-annual Bulletin N. 63 (spring 2003) 15-27.
637. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 5: “Five questions about the deacon, especially in Palestine between the 4-8th centuries,” ECJ 9/2 (2002) 87-91 (appeared Fall 2003).
638. “Mass Without the Consecration? The Historic Agreement on the Eucharist between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East Promulgated 26 October 2001,” Worship 77 (2003) 482-509 (Репринт № 636).
Вивчення литургики в Українському Католицькому Университеті (The Study of Liturgy in the Ukrainian Catholic University)” paper given 27 June 2002 at the Academic Symposium on the Occasion of the Founding of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, 25-30 June 2002, and published in the Acta: Ідентичность і міссія Українського Католицького Университету (The Identity and Mission of the Ukrainian Catholic University) (Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Press 2003) 86-93.

2004 г.

640. “Vierzig Jahre nach Sacrosanctum Concilium (4. Dezember 1963): Die Liturgiereform und der christliche Osten vor, während und nach dem 2. Vatikanischen Konzil,” Festvortrag zum Fünf Jahre Collegium Orientale, an der Festakademie zum St. Andreasfest 2002, CCOr 5 (2003) 140-149 (appeared 2004).
641. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II: The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and Other Preanaphoral Rites (OCA 200, 4th ed. Rome: PIO 2004) xlii + 497 pp. (reissue of no. 292 with slight corrections and new Appendix).
642. (ed.), The Formation of a Millennial Tradition: 1700 Years of Armenian Christian Witness (301-2001). In Honor of the Visit to the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, November 11, 2000 (OCA 271, Rome: PIO 2004).
643. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 6: “Izvestija accuses the Vatican of expelling Orthodox seminarians,” ECJ 9/3 (2002) 93-96 (appeared 2004).
644. “The Order and Place of Lay Communion in the Late Antique and Byzantine East,” in M.E. Johnson & L.E. Phillips (eds.), Studia Liturgica Diversa: Essays in Honor of Paul F. Bradshaw (Studies in Church Music and Liturgy, Portland: Pastoral Press 2004) 129-149.
645. “Messa senza Consacrazione? Lo storico accordo sull’eucaristia tra la Chiesa cattolica e la Chiesa assira d’Oriente, ” in Giacomo Puglisi, S.A. (ed.), Il rinnovamento liturgico come via all’unità cristiana (Corso breve di ecumenismo, vol. 13, Rome: Centro pro Unione 2004) 198-223 (Итальянская версия № 636).
646. “Christian Liturgical Psalmody: Origins, Development, Decomposition, Collapse,” in Harold W. Attridge and Margot E. Fassler (eds.), Psalms in Community. Jewish and Christian Textual, Liturgical, and Artistic Traditions (Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series Number 25, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature 2003) 7-32.
647. “Greetings,” in Patricia A. Krafcik and Elaine Russinko (eds.), Carpatho-Russian Research Center. The First Quarter Century (Oscala, Florida: Carpatho-Russain Research Center, Inc. 2004) 53.
648. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 7: “The Small Omophorion,” ECJ 10/1 (2003) 79-86 (appeared 2004).
649. “Changing Rhythms of Eucharistic Frequency in Byzantine Monasticism,” in M. Bielawski and D. Hombergen (eds.) Il monachesimo tra eredità e aperture. Atti del Simposio “Testi e temi nella tradizione del monachesimo cristiano” per il 50° Anniversario dell’Istituto Monastico di Sant’Anselmo, Roma, 28 maggio - 1 giugno 2002 (SA 140, Rome 2004) 419-458.
650. “Messa senza Consacrazione? Lo storico accordo sull’eucaristia tra la Chiesa cattolicae la Chiesa assira d’Oriente promulgato il 26 ottobre 2001,” in B. Gherardini (ed.), Sull’Anafora dei Santi Apostoli Addai e Mari = Numero speciale di Divinitas. Rivista internazionale di ricerca e di critica teologica, n.s. 47 (2004) 75-106 (Итальянский перевод № 633).
651. “I libri liturgici,” in G. Cavallo (ed.), Lo spazio letterario del medioevo. 3. Le culture circonstanti, vol. 1: La cultura bizantina, ed. (Rome: Salerno editrice 2004) 229-256.
652. “A Missing Procession in the Byzantine Divine Liturgy?” in L’image et la parole—EIKONA KAI LOGOS. Receuil à l’occasion du 60e anniversaire du Prof. Axinia Dzurova (Studia Slavico-Byzantina et Mediaevalia Europesnsia Vol. VIII, Sofia 2004) 397-406.
653. A partire dalla liturgia. Perché è la liturgia che fa la Chiesa (Pubblicazioni del Centro Aletti, Rome: Lipa 2004) 443 pp.
654. “La liturgia en la vida y misión de la Compañía de Jesús, Vida litúrgica,” Cuadernos de Espiritualidad 141 (Santiago de Chile 2003) 25-46 (неавторизированная версия № 627, опубликована без разрешения с нарушением авторских прав).
655. “Toward a Theology of the Christian Feast,” in Thomas Fisch (ed.), Primary Readings on the Eucharist (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2004) 15-26(Репринт части №. 509).
656. “Ex Oriente lux? Some Questions on Eucharistic Concelebration,” in Thomas Fisch (ed.), Primary Readings on the Eucharist (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2004) 157-174 (reprint of chapter 6 of Beyond East and West, no. 509 above).
657. “Receiving Communion—A Forgotten Symbol,” in Thomas Fisch (ed.), Primary Readings on the Eucharist (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2004) 175-183 (репринт №. 509).
658. Review of H.-J. Feulner, Die armenische Anaphora des hl. Athanasius. Kritischer Edition, Übersetzung und liturgievergleichender Kommentar (Anaphorae Orientales 1 = Anaphorae Armeniacae 1, Rome: PIO 2001), OKS 53 (2004) 70-75.

2005 г.

659. “Mass Without the Consecration? The Historic Agreement on the Eucharist between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East Promulgated 26 October 2001,” in Th. Mannooramparampil (ed.), Theological Dimensions of Christian Orient, Silver Jubilee issue 1980-2004 = Christian Orient 26 (2005) 68-88 (reprint of no. 636).
660. “Plody prijímania v anafore sv. Jána Zlatoústeho,” Logos. Revue grékokatolickej cirkvi na Slovensku 6/1 (2005) 44-56 (Словацкий перевод № 272).
661. “La messe sans consecration?” Unité des chrétiens. Revue œcuménique de formation et d’information 138 (avril 2005) 11-16 (Сокращенный перевод № 636).
Было ли традиционно для ранней Церкви чтение вслух литургических молитв? Неавторизированный перевод № 616, Опубликован он-лайн http://www.portal-credo.ru./
663. “The Communion of the Laity: The Ancient Ritual in the Mother Traditions of Syriac Christianity,” in A. Chahwan (ed.), Mélanges offerts à l’Abbé Jean Tabet (Publications de l’Institut de Liturgie à l’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik 34, Kaslik Lebanon 2005) 15-48.
664. “The Case of the Missing Vestment: The Byzantine Omophorion Great and Small,” BBGG ser. 3, 1 (2004) 273-301 (appeared May 2005).
665. “Mass Without the Consecration? The Historic Agreement on the Eucharist between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East Promulgated 26 October 2001,” in James F. Puglisi, S.A. (ed.), Liturgical Renewal as a Way to Christian Unity (A Pueblo Book, Collegeville: Liturgical Press 2005) 199-226 (репринт № 636).
666. “The Veneration of the Saints in the Byzantine Liturgical Tradition,” in J. Getcha and A. Lossky (eds.), Qusiva aijnevsew". Mélanges liturgiques offerts à la mémoire de l’Archevêque Georges Wagner (1930-1993) (Paris: Presses S. Serge 2005) 353-368.
667. “Liturgia e culto dei santi in area bizantino-greca e slava: problemi di origine, significato e sviluppo,” in A. Benvenuti and M. Garzaniti (eds.), Il tempo dei santi tra Oriente e Occidente. Liturgia e agiografia del tardo antico al concilio di Trento. Atti del IV Convegno di studio dell’Associazione italiana per lo studio della santità, dei culti e dell’agiografia, Firenze 26-28 ottobre 2000 (Rome 2005) 35–54 (Итальянский перевод № 666).
668. “Les lois du développement de la liturgie selon Anton Baumstark. Présentation et prolongements,” LMD 243 (2005) 7-42 (Французский перевод части № 606).
669. Ка теологи
jи хриеанского празника,” Видослов 12 (2005) 59-71 (Сербский перевод № 54).
670. “Messe ohne Konsekration? Das historische Abkommen über die Eucharistie zwischen der Katholischen Kirche und der Assyrischen Kirche des Ostens vom 26. Oktober 2001,” CCOr 7 (2005) 47-62 (Немецкий перевод № 636).
671. “Liturgia ako vyjadrenie identity cirkvi,” Logos. Revue grékokatolíckej cirkvi na Slovensku 6/2 (2005) 40-49 (Словацкий перевод № 573).
672. “Liturgy as a Locus of Identity Formation in Consecrated Life,” in Transfiguration in the Lord. Materials from the Sobor for Religious of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, held in Lviv, Ukraine, 8-11 September 2004 (Lviv: Publishing “Dukarski kunshty” 2004) 37-53.
Литургія як місце формування ідентичности в посвященному жітті//Преображення в Господі, Матеріяли Собору Монашества УГКЦ, 2004 г. (Львів, Видавництво «Свічадо» 2005) 94-112.
674. “L’Evangeliario nella tradizione bizantina,” conferenza tenuta alla presentazione del nuovo Evangeliario bizantino in lingua italiana, nella Chiesa di S. Atanasio a Roma, Besa—Fede. Corrispondenza del Circolo italo-bizantino di cultura 178 (ottobre 2005) 4-6.
675. “Prefazione” in Marcel Mojze, Il movimento liturgico nelle chiese bizantine. Analisi di alcune tendenze di riforma nel XX secolo (BELS 132, Rome: CLV—Edizioni liturgiche 2005) 5-8.
676. “‘What shall we call you?’ Marian Liturgical Veneration in the Byzantine Tradition,” in Úcta ku presvätej Bohorodiãke na krest’anskom V˘chode. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia 25. - 26. novembra 2005, Teologická fakulta Trnavskej university/Centrum spirituality V˘chod Michala Lacka, vedeckov˘skukmné prackovisko Teologickej fakulty TU, Koãise 2005) 121-140.
677. “Recovering the Message of Jesus. In Memory of Juan José Mateos Álvarez, S.J., 15 January 1917—23 September 2003,” OCP 71 (2005) 265-297.
678. “The Prayerbook of Great Prince Volodymyr in NY Public Library Codex Slav. 1: A Manuscript and Its Legend,” SOC 9/2 (2005) 93-124.
679. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 8: “The Ruthenian Recension of the Slavonic Arxieratikon,” ECJ 10/2 (2003) 81-84 (appeared in 2005).
680. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 9: “When should one kneel during the liturgy?” ECJ 10/3 (2003) 95-102 (appeared in 2005).
681.Католичество восточного обряда: его наследие и призвание// Русский перевод С. Голованова, опубликовано он-лайн http://www.vselenstvo.narod.ru/%20library/eastern.htm

2006 г.

682. “Between East and West: The Eastern Catholic (‘Uniate’) Churches, 1815-1914,” chapter 25 in Sheridan Gilley & Brian Stanley (eds.), World Christianities c. 1815-1914 (The Cambridge History of Christianity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2006) 412-425.
683. Анамнез, не амнезия // Русский перевод С. Голованова № 634 опубликовано он-лайн: http://www.vselenstvo/narod.ru/library/anamnez.htm
684. Интервью архимандрита Роберта Тафта SJ двум испанским иезуитам (обновлено в 2005г.)//  Русский перевод С. Голованова № 631, опубликовано он-лайн:  http://www.vselenstvo.narod.ru/library/rftin05r.htm
685. Интервью архимандрита Роберта Тафта SJ журналу "Diakonia", 1991 г. (обновлено в 2004 г.) Иезуит и христианский Восток Русский перевод С. Голованова №. 161 опубликовано он-лайн:
686. “Is There Devotion to the Holy Eucharist in the Christian East? A Footnote to the October 2005 Synod on the Eucharist,” Worship 80 (2006) 213-233.
687. “Tex Orandi—Tex Credendi. In Memory of Thomas Julian Talley,” Worship 80 (2006) 265-266.
688. “Curriculum Vitae of Robert F. Taft, S.J.,” in Mark M. Morozowich (ed.), Saints—Sanctity—Liturgy. For Robert Francis Taft, S.J. at Seventy, January 9, 2002. Symposium Papers and Memorabilia (Eastern Christian Publications, Fairfax, VA 2006) 61-70.
689. “Bibliography of Robert F., Taft, S.J., ibid. 71-108.
690. “Doctoral Dissertations Driected by Robert F. Taft, S.J., ibid. 111-112.
691. “Robert F. Taft, S.J., Lectures, Colloquia, Scholarly Congresses and Papers 1963-2005,” ibid. 113-129.
692. Jesuits at the End of the Twentieth Century. Questionnaire Imago Mundi: Interview with Robert F. Taft, S.J.,” ibid. 137-171.
693. “Homily Delivered at the Baccalaureate Mass at the College of the Holy Cross, May 24, 1990, On Receiving the Degree Doctor of Ministry honoris causa,” ibid. 187-191.
694. “Remembrance and Hope: Convocation Address at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, December 2, 2000, On the Occasion of Receiving the Degree Doctor of Divinity honoris causa,” ibid. 193-199 (Репринт 635).
695. “The Problem of ‘Uniatism’ and the ‘Healing of Memories’: Anamnesis, not Amnesia,” Annual Kelly Lecture at The University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, December 1, 2000, On the Occasion of Receiving the Degree Doctor of Divinity honoris causa,” ibid. 201-242 (Новая версия № 634).

Публикации, готовящиеся к печати (май 2006 г.)

696. “Toward the Origins of the Opisthambonos Prayer of the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgies,” in press in OCP 72/1 (2006).
697. Review of Michael Plekon, Living Icons. Persons of Faith in the Eastern Church, with a Foreword by Lawrence S. Cunningham, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana 2002, pp. xii + 337, in press in OCP 72/1 (2006).
698. “The Byzantine Imperial Communion Ritual,” in Pamela Armstrong (ed.), Ritual and Art: Essays for Christopher Walter (London: The Pindar Press) in press.
699. “Prefazione” to Antoine Gebran, Il Venerdì santo nel Rito siro-maronita in press.
700. “Introduction” to The Greek-Melkite Church at the Council, in press.
701. “The Byzantine Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom,” in Prex eucharistica, III: Studia (Spicilegium Friburgense, Fribourg) in press since 20 June 1992!
702. “Prothesis,” in E. Farrugia (ed.), Dictionary of the Christian East (Rome: EOC) (Английская версия №. 574), in press.
703. “Introduction” to The Synaxarion of Evergetis (Belfast: The Queen’s University) in press.
704. “John Chrysostom and the Byzantine Anaphora that Bears his Name,” in Mary Gerhart & Fabian E. Udoh (eds.), Textual Sources for the Study of Christianity (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) (репринт № 518) in press.
705. Personal profile to appear in Jesuites fin de siècle, in press in several languages. The Catalan and Spanish versions have already appeared (nos. 631, 633 above).
706. “Was the Eucharistic Anaphora Recited Secretly or Aloud? The Ancient Tradition and What Became of It,” paper read at the St. Nersess Seminary 40th Anniversary Symposium. Liturgy in Context: Worship Traditions of Armenia and the Neighboring Christian East, New York, September 25-28, 2002, in press in the Congress Acta.
707. “Il problema dell’ ‘uniatismo’ e ‘la purificazione delle memorie’: anamnesi, non amnesia,” (Italian version of no. 634), in Temi e problemi delle Chiese orientali (Brescia: Ed. Quireniana) in press.
708. “Cathedral vs. Monastic Liturgy in the Christian East: Vindicating a Distinction,” in press in BBGG series 3, 62 (2006).
709. “The Decline of Communion in Byzantium and the Distancing of the Congregation from the Liturgical Action: Cause, Effect, or Neither?” Paper given at the Annual Byzantine Studies Symposium, The Sacred Screen: Origins, Development, and Diffusion, 9-11 May 2003, Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, Washington, DC, in press in Sharon E.J. Gerstel (ed.), Thresholds of the Sacred: Architectural, Art Historical, Liturgical and Theological Perspectives on Religious Screens, East and West (Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC 2006) 27-50.
710. “Worship in Holy Etchmiadzin The Development of the Armenian Surb Patarag as Mirrored in the Postcommunion and Final Rites,” Paper delivered at the Symposium Holy Etchmiadzin Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Heritage—Mission—Hopes, at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, commemorating the 1700 anniversary of the consecration of the cathedral of Etchmiadzin, Armenia, 12-13 September 2003: Armenian text in press in the Symposium Acta; English text to appear in St. Nersess Theological Review.
711. “The Early Ritual of Lay Communion in the Byzantine Eucharist,” in press in a Festschrift for Prof. Ioannis Fountoulis of Thessalonika.
712. “Saints Lives and Liturgy: Hagiography and New Perspectives in Liturgiology,” paper read at the 19th Congress of the International Societas Liturgica, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 11-16, 2003, in press in a Festschrift for Michael A. Fahey, S.J.
713. “Rinnovamento liturgico e Oriente cristiano prima, durante e dopo il Concilio Vaticano II,” conference given at the Pontificio Istituto Liturgico Sant’Anselmo during the symposium Sacrosanctum Concilium 40 anni dopo. Giornata di Studio per commemorare la Costituzione sulla Liturgia, 11 dicembre 2003, in press in the Acta.
714. Ibid. due to appear in Romanian translation in a volume concerning the Liturgical Reforms of Vatican II.
715. “The Living Icon: Touching the Transcendent in Palaiologan Iconography and Liturgy,” paper given at the Symposium Byzantium: Faith and Power, 1261-1557, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 16-18 April 2004, in press in the Symposium Acta.
716. “‘To drink of the one Spirit’ (1 Cor 12:12): The Theology of Ecclesial Communion in the Byzantine Divine Liturgy,” paper read 12 May 2004 at the Orientale Lumen EuroEast I Conference “Liturgy as a Foundation for Dialogue,” Istanbul, Turkey, 10-13 May 2004, in press in the Acta.
717. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 10: “Byzantine-rite Concelebration of the Eucharist,” in press in ECJ.
718. Through Byzantine Eyes: Liturgy as the Byzantines Saw It, The Paul G. Manolis Distinguished Lecture Series, 18-20 January 2005, the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute, Berkeley, CA, in press.
719. “Christ in the Byzantine Divine Office,” paper given at the Conference The Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer: Christology, Trinity, and Liturgical Theology, Yale University Institute of Sacred Music, 24-27 February 2005, in press in the Acta.
720. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 11: “The Unmixed Chalice in the Armenian Eucharist,” in press in ECJ.
721. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 12: “Gestures of Blessing in Byzantine Iconography” in press in ECJ.
722. “At the Sunset of the Empire: The Formation of the Final ‘Byzantine Liturgical Synthesis’ in the Patriarchate of Constantinople,” lecture at the International Conference Le Patriarcat de Constantinople aux XIVe au XVIe siècles: Rupture et continuité, held at the Accademia della Romania and the Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Rome, 5-7 December, in press in the Acta to appear in the collection «Dossiers byzantins» published by the Centre d’Etudes Byzantines Néo-Helléniques et Sud-Est Européenes, Paris.
723. “Avoiding Closure: The Multiple Conclusions of the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgies.” Major Paper at the First International SOL Congress, Collegium Orientale, Eichstätt, Germany, 23-28 July 2006, to be published in the Congress Acta in BBGG.
724. “Il patrimonio liturgico dell’Oriente cristiano,” to appear in Oriente cattolico (Rome: Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali) in preparation.
725. “L’opera liturgica della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali,” to appear in Oriente cattolico (Rome: Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali) in preparation.

Отдельный список книг

(автор или соавтор)

1. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (OCA 200, Rome: PIO 1975) xl + 485 pp. (2nd, revised edition, OCA 200, Rome: PIO 1978f) xlii + 490 pp. = A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II: The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and Other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (OCA 200, 2nd revised ed. Rome: PIO 1994) reprinted with new series title.
2. The Liturgy of the Hours in the Christian East: Origins, Meaning, Place in the Life of the Church (Ernakulam, Cochin KCM Press 1984) xi + 303 pp.
3. Beyond East and West. Problems in Liturgical Understanding (NPM Studies in Church Music and Liturgy, Washington, DC: The Pastoral Press 1984) x + 203 pp.
4. The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West. The Origins of the Divine Office and its Meaning for Today (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1986) xv + 410 pp. Second Revised Edition (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1993) xix + 421 pp.—La Liturgia delle Ore in Oriente e in Occidente. Le origini dell’Ufficio divino e il suo significato oggi (Testi di teologia 4, Cinisello Balsamo [Milano]: Edizioni Paoline 1988) 544 pp.; 2a ed. con nuova traduzione, Pubblicazioni del Centro Aletti, Rome: Lipa 2001—La Liturgie des Heures en Orient et en Occident. Origine et sens de l’Office divin (Mysteria 2, Turnhout: Brepols 1991) 390 pp.
5. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol IV: The Diptychs (OCA 238, Rome: PIO 1991) xxxiv + 214 pp.
6. The Byzantine Rite. A Short History (American Essays in Liturgy, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 1993) 84 pp.—Le rite byzantin. Bref historique. Traduit de l’anglais par Jean Laporte (Liturgie. Collection de recherche du Centre national de pastorale liturgique 8, Paris: Éditions du Cerf 1996)—Storia sintetica del rito bizantino (Collana di pastorale liturgica 20, Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999)—Византийский церковный обряд (из серии "Византийская библиотека") СПб: Издательство Алетейя, 2005 г. - 160 с.
7. R.F. Taft and Edward Farrugia, S.J., Teologi\ na liturgi\ta i teologi\ na simvola [The Theology of the Liturgy and the Theology of Symbol], ed. with an introd. by Gheorghi Minãev, trans. Elena Velkovska and Elizaveta Musakova (Sofia: Nov B/lgarski universitet - Rome: Papski Institut za Vostoka 1992) 11-95: “Vizantiyskoto Bogoslujenie. Kratka istori\” (Bulgarian version of an earlier redaction of the previous entry).
8. Liturgy in Byzantium and Beyond (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS494, Aldershot/Brookfield: Ashgate-Variorum 1995) xiv + 352 pp.
9. Beyond East and West. Problems in Liturgical Understanding. Second revised and enlarged edition (Rome: EOC 1997, reprinted 2001) 318 pp.—Oltre l’oriente e l’occidente. Per una tradizione liturgica viva, trans. Sara Staffuzza (Pubblicazione del Centro Aletti 21, Rome: Lipa 1999) 355 pp.
10. (Co-author), Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, Il grande Giubileo del Duemila e le Chiese orientali cattoliche. Sussidio pastorale (Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999) 137 pp. (Co-author of Parte prima: “Il Giubileo nelle Chiese orientali cattoliche,” 5-24; author of Appendice I: “I misteri della salvezza nell’anno liturgico secondo le tradizioni orientali,” 95-127).
11. Il Sanctus nell’anafora. Un riesame della questione (Rome: EOC 1999).
12. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. V: The Precommunion Rites (OCA 261, Rome: PIO 2000) 573 pp.
13. Divine Liturgies—Human Problems in Byzantium, Armenia, Syria and Palestine (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS716, Aldershot/Brookfield: Ashgate-Variorum 2001).
14. A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. VI: The Communion, Thanksgiving, Dismissal, and Recessional Rites (OCA, Rome: PIO) in revision.
15. A partire dalla liturgia. Perché è la liturgia che fa la Chiesa (Pubblicazioni del Centro Aletti, Rome: Lipa 2004) 443 pp.

Редактирование или соредактирование

16. (Соредактор), Christianity among the Slavs. The Heritage of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Acts of the International Congress held on the Eleventh Centenary of the Death of St. Methodius, Rome, October 8-11, 1985, under the direction of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Edited by Edward C. Farrugia, S.J., Robert F. Taft, S.J., Gino K. Piovesana, S.J., with the Editorial Committee (OCA 231, Rome: PIO 1988) ix + 409 pp.
17. (Соредактор), Il 75° anniversario del Pontificio Istituto Orientale. Atti delle celebrazioni giubilari, 15-17 ottobre 1992, a cura di Robert F. Taft, SJ, e James Lee Dugan, S.J. (OCA 244, Rome: PIO 1994) 318 pp.
18. (Редактор), The Christian East. Its Institutions & its Thought. A Critical Reflection. Papers of the International Scholarly Congress for the 75th Anniversary of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, 30 May—5 June 1993, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 251, Rome: PIO 1996).
19. (Редактор), The Armenian Christian Tradition. Scholarly Symposium in Honor of the Visit to the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, of His Holiness Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, December 12, 1996, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 254, Rome: PIO 1997) 197 pp.
20. (Соредактор), Crossroad of Cultures. Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honor of Gabriele Winkler, edited by Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Elena Velkovska, and Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 260, Rome: PIO 2000) 744 pp.
21. (Соредактор), Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001).
22. (Редактор), td 2004).< PIO Rome: 271, (OCA 2000 11, November Armenians, All of Catholicos and Patriarch Supreme II, Karekin Holiness His Rome, Institute, Oriental Pontifical the to Visit Honor In (301-2001). Witness Christian Armenian Years 1700 Tradition: Millennial a Formation The>


AL = Analecta Liturgica (S. Anselmo, Rome)
BBGG = Bolletino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata
BELS = Bibliotheca Ephemerides Liturgicae, Subsidia
CCOr = ContaCOr, Collegium Orientale Eichstätt und Oriens Occidens e. V., Eichstätt, Germany
DOP = Dumbarton Oaks Papers
ECJ = Eastern Churches Journal
EOC = «Edizioni Orientalia Christiana» (Rome, PIO)
EOrans = Ecclesia Orans
LMD = La Maison-Dieu
Logos = Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies/Revue des études de l’Orient chrétien
OC = Oriens Christianus
OCA = Orientalia Christiana Analecta
OCP = Orientalia Christiana Periodica
OKS = Ostkirchliche Studien
PIO = Pontificio Istituto Orientale (Rome)
POC = Proche-orient chrétien
SA = Studia Anselmiana (S. Anselmo, Rome)
SL = Studia Liturgica
SOC = Studi sull’Oriente cristiano
TS = Theological Studies


Иезуит Роберт Тафт, интервью 6.2.2004 в National Catholic Reporter, США, natchat.org, с резкой критикой уступчивости Ватикана в отношениях с Кремлем.

Иезуиты когда-то очень пытались "обратить" Россию - мы для них были вроде лютеран. Использовали для этого принцип аккультурации - в виде поощрения восточного обряда, когда заимствовали православные формы, сохраняя ультра-западное содержание и постепенно переделывая эти формы на латинский манер. После того, как Ватикан взял курс на "экуменизм", иезуиты ударились в другую крайность и решили попросту игнорировать Россию. В этом смысле Тафт довольно объективен, ибо рассуждает так: не удалось завоевать, так нечего и дружить. В частности, он категорически против политики компромисса, которая в декабре 2003 года проявилась в отказе Рима признавать патриархатом украинскую греко-католическую церковь. Довольно саркастически Тафт предлагает украинцам попросту не распечатывать писем, приходящих из Ватикана не на адрес патриархата, а отправлять их назад с пометкой: "Адресат неизвестен".

Призывы Тафта к жесткости симпатичны всякому, кто так или иначе страдает от того, что Запад своей мюнхенской политикой поощряет распущенность путиных, арафатов и прочих кванти. А таких страдальцев в России довольно много, только они все молчат в тряпочку, чтобы хуже не было. Почти все молчат. Все правда: про то, что патриархия будет недовольна всегда, до тех пор, пока патриарха не признают заодно и римскою папою. Кстати, Тафт довольно радикально высказался и насчет папизма - что представление о папе как высшем судии абсолютно не соответствует традиции первого тысячелетия и должно рано или поздно быть отставлено. Аминь.

А вот характерные неточности Тафта. Он критикует православных за нежелание знать статистику, сколько их на самом деле. Мол, католиков в России, практикующих, ежевоскресно ходящих - 300 тысяч к западу от Урала, 65 тысяч в Москве. Пардон, в Москве 130 тысяч практикующих православных - что, на двух православных в Москве приходится по католику? Это двойной стандарт. В Москве практикующих католиков столько, что им вполне хватает двух костелов. Еженедельно в костелы ходят не более пяти тысяч человек, а вернее - три тысячи. И они страдают той же болезнью, что и казенные, патриархийные православные: как аквариумные рыбки, ходят, потому что халява. Сыпят корм - подплывают. А чего не походить, коли причащаешься не только Христа, но и земного величия? Небось пятнадцать-то лет назад почему-то не приходили, хотя Христос был Тот же. Потому что тогда всяк входящий в костел учитывался Лубянкой, а сейчас - нет. Начнут учитывать - опять исчезнут.

Абсолютно неверна оценка места патриарха: Тафт выгораживает верхушку варьете изо всех сил. Мол, патриарх и Кирилл - вменяемые люди, а вот архиереи в массе своей черносотенцы, вот они и лавируют. "Патриарх не папа". Ага, конечно: папа может только мечтать о тех диктаторских полномочиях, которыми обладает патриарх. Не сам патриарх, конечно, а те, кто управляет им из кабинетика светского. Все омерзительные заявления Кирилла для Тафта - дань обстановке, "он должен время от времени подавать определенные сигналы".

Кирилл для Тафта - представитель крошечного разумного центра, который балансирует между сумасшедшими черносотенцами, почитателями Распутина, и черносотенцами обычными. Что в патриархии есть просто нормальные христиане (для черносотенцев - "либералы", но Тафт-то сам таков), Тафт не желает видеть. Что Кирилл давно уже не правый и не левый, а просто фанатик власти, флюгер на двуглавой кремлевой звезде - не видит. Видимо, потому что сам Тафт воспринимает как реальное лишь то, что соединено с властью - не Отца Небесного, а с властью материальной. Живые люди, не причастные к политической власти, для него даже не маргиналы, а просто невидимки. Для него Моск. патриархия - крупнейшая церковь в мире после католиков, п.ч. власти у нее сейчас поболее, чем у других православных. Атомное оружие перевешивает здравый смысл - откуда вдруг из пустоты образовалось "крупнейшее"? Крупнейший мыльный пызырь... А уж всякие там старообрядцы и пр. для Тафта хуже чем не существуют - они посмели пойти против власти. Покорный власти буддист ближе покорному власти католику, чем непокорный православный.

Когда-то я сердился, что меня не желают видеть те, кто разглядывает все в свете власти. Не хотелось быть невидимкой. Сам грешил властолюбием. Сейчас мне думается, что невидимость для власти есть состояние, нормальное для верующего, всякого, но особенно верующего в Христа.

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